2016 2017 2016=100
Technical and road infrastructure
Water supply
The length of the water supply network in km 1890 1911 101,1
Connections leading to residential and collective residence buildings (in thousands): 43,1 43,7 101,4
Water delivered in total, in thousands m3 / day 86,3 85,0 98,5
Including water supplied to households in thousands m3 / day 59,4 59,1 99,5
The length of the active sewerage network in km 1 342 1 359 101,3
Connections leading to residential and collective residence buildings in thousands 37,9 38,8 102,4
Wastewater discharged by urban sewerage in thousands dam3 / year 82,3 82,1 99,8
Gas network
Number of gas consumers in households (in thousands) 181,7 180,3 99,2
Gas consumption in households in millions m3 / year 93,2 99,3 106,5
Power grid
Number of electricity consumers (in thousands) 296,4 301,4 101,7
Total electricity consumption in GWh / year 2236,4 2259,8 101,0
Electricity consumption in residential dwellings in GWh / year 502,7 507,8 101,0
District Heating
Heat demand in MW 1 183 1 212 102,5
Total heat consumption in thousands GJ, including in: 6 286 6 454 102,7
households 4 035 4 158 103,0
The length of the heating network in km 524,7 538,6 102,6
Road infrastructure
Total length of roads in Poznan in km, of which: 1 180 1 189 100,8
national 20 20 100,0
voivodship 44 44 100,0
poviat 270 270 100,0
municipal 719 719 100,0
internal 127 136 107,1
The length of roads with paved surface in km 918 920 100,2
Number of traffic lights 309 308 99,7
Number of street lights (in thousands) 46,0 46,2 100,5
Electricity consumption for road lighting in MWh 28 300 28 500 100,7
Length of storm water drainage in km 598,7 610,3 101,9
Number of parking spaces in the Paid Parking Zone 8 880 8 633 97,2
Number of guarded (buffer) parking spaces 817 817 100,0
Public transport
Number of passengers transported (in millions) 245,1 254,9 104,0
Total length of routes in km, of which: 408 408 100,0
tram routes 67 69 101,5
bus routes 341 339 99,4
Total length of lines in km, of which: 1143 1167 102,1
tram lines 263 229 87,1
bus lines 880 937 106,5
Total number of rolling stock, of which: 623 601 96,5
trams 302 281 93,0
buses 321 320 99,7
Seats in vehicles, in total (in thousands), as of 31/12, of which 88,8 86,9 97,9
in trams 48,6 46,8 96,3
in buses 40,2 40,1 99,8
Overall technical readiness ratio of vehicles in %, of which: 84,8 89,4 x
trams 82,4 86,9 x
buses 87,1 91,6 x
Rolling stock utilization rate in %, of which: 80,3 85,7 x
trams 72,4 77,3 x
buses 87,9 89,8 x
Punctuality ratio of the vehicles in total, in %, of which: 76,7 81,9 x
trams 85,0 88,8 x
buses 73,4 78,2 x
Price of one-single ride normal public transport ticket in PLN
10-minutes 3,0 3,0 100,0
40-minutes 4,6 4,6 100,0
Motor Vehicles
Total number of motor vehicles (in thousands), including: 470,3 563,1 119,7
passenger cars 356,8 425,4 119,2
trucks 62,5 93 148,7
motorcycles 15,0 13,4 89,7
The number of passenger taxis 2 798 2 737 97,8
Air traffic
Poznan – Ławica Airport
The number of regular air connections in total, of which: 27 32 118,5
domestic 1 1 100,0
international 26 31 119,2
Number of air operations (in thousands) 24,8 24,4 98,4
Number of passengers checked in total (in thousands), of which for: 1 710,2 1 852,7 108,3
domestic flights 123,4 166,2 134,7
international flights 1 586,9 1 686,4 106,3
Cargo transport, in thousand tonnes 3,0 4,9 163,4
Source: Poznań City Hall