2016 2017 2016=100
The budget of the City of Poznan
Total revenue in PLN million, of which: 3 253 3 510 107,9
grants and subsidies from the state budget 1 003 1 100 109,7
share in income tax, of which: 1 041 1 123 107,9
PIT 917 993 108,3
CIT 124 130 104,8
taxes and local fees, including: 627 667 106,4
real estate tax 388 404 104,1
tax on means of transport 28 32 113,9
inheritance and donation tax 8 9 112,5
tax on civil law transactions 51 63 124,0
stamp duty 18 20 112,4
other revenue 582 620 106,5
Total expenditure in PLN million, of which: 3 222 3 349 103,9
current 2 636 2 909 110,4
investment 586 440 75,1
Budget result in PLN million 31 161 519,4
Source: Poznań City Hall