2016 2017 2016=100
Protection of the environment
Municipal waste water treatment plants
Waste water treated per year in million m3/year 49,9 54,4 109,0
Loads of pollutants in waste water after treatment in central sewage treatment plant in g O2/m3
BZT5 4,2 3,3 78,6
suspension 8,1 8,1 100,0
Industrial waste water treatment plants
Industrial waste water discharged in total in thousands dam3/year, of which: 3,9 n/a x
waste water discharged to the sewerage network 1,7 n/a x
waste water discharged directly into waters or into the ground 2,2 n/a x
Pollutant loads in waste water discharged into waters or into the ground in t / year:
BOD5 7,5 n/a x
COD 31,2 n/a x
total suspension 19,5 n/a x
total chloride ions and sulphates 454,3 n/a x
total nitrogen 6,1 n/a x
total phosphorus 0,4 n/a x
Sludge’s from industrial waste water treatment plants in thousand tonnes, of which: 3,475 n/a x
thermally converted 0,3 n/a x
Emissions of air pollutants from particularly burdensome plants
Dust emission, in total t / year, including: 205,0 n/a x
from fuel combustion 76,0 n/a x
Emissions of gaseous pollutants in thousand  tonnes / year, of which: 1507,9 n/a x
carbon dioxide 1501,4 n/a x
without carbon dioxide, including: 6,5 n/a x
sulphur dioxide 1,0 n/a x
nitrogen oxides 2,5 n/a x
carbon monoxide 0,5 n/a x
Pollutants retained or neutralized in reduction devices in thousand tonnes / year:
dusts 99,8 n/a x
gaseous 27,6 n/a x
Wastes generated and accumulated
Total waste generated in thousand  t / a year, including: 599,6 n/a x
subjected to recovery 3,7 n/a x
temporarily stored 4,4 n/a x
The size of the municipal waste landfill in Suchy Las, in ha 56,8 56,8 100,0
Landfill use in % 82,7 83,0 x
The amount of solid waste sent to landfill in thousands t/year 42,9 72,7 169,5
Green areas
Number of parks 46 47 102,2
Parks area in ha 345 344 99,9
Number of green areas 123 121 98,4
Green areas in ha 96 89 92,5
Lawn areas in ha 318 317 99,7
Number of Family Allotment Gardens (ROD) 86 85 98,8
Number of allotment gardens in ROD in thousands 18,4 17,8 96,8
ROD area in ha 802,0 781,7 97,5
Area covered by cemeteries in ha 22 22 100,0
Number of cemeteries 252 252 100,0
Municipal forests area in ha 2 561 2 564 100,1
Number of visitors to zoo gardens in thousands 372,0 385,0 103,5
Area covered by zoo gardens in ha 120,7 120,7 100,0
Number of animals in zoo gardens 2 302 2 384 103,6
The number of visitors to the Poznan Palm House in thousands 182,9 202,7 110,8
Municipal cemeteries
Number of burial places in thousands 132,5 128,3 96,9
Number of buried dead people 3 460 3 554 102,7
Number of places for use 4 320 3 622 87,1