Primary schools for children and youth (Excluding special education needs and artistic schools)
Total number of schools, of which: 96 110 114,6
run by the City of Poznan 68 76 111,8
run by other entities 28 34 121,4
Total number of pupils in total, of which: 31 009 35 606 114,8
in schools run by the City of Poznan 26 004 29 202 112,3
in schools run by other entities 5 005 6 404 128,0
Junior high schools for children and teenagers (Excluding special education needs and artistic schools.)
Total number of schools, of which: 69 60 87,0
run by the City of Poznan 44 34 77,3
run by other entities 25 26 104,0
Total number of pupils in total, of which: 13 693 9 648 70,5
in schools run by the City of Poznan 11 143 7 835 70,3
in schools run by other entities 2 550 1 813 71,1
Special primary schools and junior high schools
Total number of schools, of which: 34 20 58,8
special education needs primary schools 16 18 112,5
special education needs junior high schools 18 2 11,1
Total number of pupils in total, of which: 1 077 1 090 101,2
in special education needs primary schools 634 1088 171,6
in special education needs junior high schools 443 2 0,5
Upper secondary education for youth and adults (Excluding special education needs and artistic schools.)
Total number of schools, of which: 169 183 108,3
general education schools 72 80 111,1
industry (former vocational) and technical schools (Including vocational schools, technical schools, post-secondary schools) 97 103 106,2
Total number of students in total, of which: 34 104 22 636 66,4
in general education schools 16 320 12 485 76,5
in industry (former vocational) and technical schools (Including vocational schools, technical schools, post-secondary schools.) 17 784 10 151 57,1
Secondary education for youth in total:
Total number of schools, of which: 82 79 96,3
industry (former vocational) and technical schools 15 15 100,0
general education schools 40 42 105,0
technical schools 21 18 85,7
post-secondary schools 6 4 66,7
Total number of students in total, of which: 22 249 22 733 102,2
in the industry (former vocational schools) 1 303 1 636 125,6
in general education schools 11 769 12 485 106,1
in technical schools 8 358 8 515 101,9
in post-secondary schools 819 97 11,8
Post-secondary education for adults in total:
Total number of schools, of which: 85 88 103,5
general education schools 30 30 100,0
post-secondary schools 55 58 105,5
Total number of students in total, of which: 11 774 6 513 55,3
in general education schools 4 470 1 105 24,7
in post-secondary schools 7 304 5 408 74,0
Post-secondary schools for youth and adults with special education needs:
Total number of schools, of which: 16 15 93,8
schools preparing for work 6 6 100,0
industry (former vocational schools for students with special education needs) 5 4 80,0
technical schools for students with special education needs 1 1 100,0
general education schools for students with special education needs 2 2 100,0
post-secondary schools for students with special education needs 2 2 100,0
Total number of students in total, of which: 416 388 93,3
in schools preparing for work 151 159 105,3
in vocational schools for students with special education needs 142 128 90,1
in technical schools for students with special education needs 18 23 127,8
in general education schools for students with special education needs 81 44 54,3
in post-secondary schools for students with special education needs 24 34 141,7
Higher education (Data for 2015 and 2016.)
Higher education institutions in total, of which: 24 23 95,8
public 8 8 100,0
non-public school 16 15 93,8
Number of students of higher education institutions in total, (in thousands) of which: 116 450 112 002 96,2
on full-time course of studies 74 424 73 767 99,1
on part-time course of study 42 026 38 235 91,0
Of the total number of students, the students who study:
at Adam Mickiewicz University 37 645 36 067 95,8
in higher technical education institutions 20 052 19 241 96,0
in higher agricultural education institutions 10 111 9 424 93,2
economics in higher education institutions 19 104 19 244 100,7
medicine in higher education institutions 6 629 6 994 105,5
The Eugeniusz Piasecki University School of Physical Education in Poznan 3 205 3 483 108,7
in higher artistic education institutions 2 064 2 126 103,0
in other higher education institutions 17 640 15 423 87,4
The number of higher education institution graduates, in total (in thousands): 32 031 29 171 91,1
full-time course of studies 19 801 10 524 53,1
part-time course of study 12 230 29 171 238,5
From the total number of graduates, people who graduated from:
Adam Mickiewicz University 8 568 7 723 90,1
higher technical education institutions 5 889 5 718 97,1
higher agricultural education institutions 3 108 2 773 89,2
higher schools of economics 5 935 5 433 91,5
higher medical schools 1 582 1 590 100,5
The Eugeniusz Piasecki University School of Physical Education in Poznan 885 743 84,0
higher artistic schools 721 640 88,8
other higher education institutions 5 343 4 551 85,2
Source: Poznań City Hall