In 2017, 5 new sectoral programmes were adopted.

The Development Strategy for the City of Poznań 2020+ defines the directions of the city’s development in the most important areas of its functioning. Sectoral programmes constitute an element of the implementation of its assumptions, including the priorities of the Strategy.

In 2017, 5 new sectoral programmes were adopted:

  • 2 programmes developed as a result of legal requirements:
    • Municipal Revitalisation Programme for the City of Poznań
    • Environmental Protection Programme for the City of Poznań for the years 2017-2020 with a perspective until 2024.
  • 3 programmes developed as a result of social initiative:
    • Senior Policy for the City of Poznań for the years 2017-2021
    • Housing Policy of the City of Poznań
    • Cycling Programme for the City of Poznań for the years 2017-2022.

In 2017, work also began to develop further documents, such as the Poznań Programme for Family Support and Foster Care Development, the Policy of the City of Poznań for Young People for the years 2019-2025, and the Strategy for Solving Social Problems for the City of Poznań for the years 2017-2025.

In addition, activities were undertaken to prepare development programmes for culture, urban fortifications and heritage protection (establishment of a cultural park).

Municipal Revitalisation Programme for the City of Poznań

(Resolution of the Poznań City Council No. LVI/1021/VII/2017)

The planning and implementation of the revitalisation process in Poznań dates back to 2005, when the first Municipal Revitalisation Programme was adopted at the initiative of the residents and local authorities. The Program had 3 subsequent editions, each of which further developed the previous idea, and concerned activities undertaken in the following areas: Śródka, Chwaliszewo and parts of Jeżyce. In 2013, at the initiative of the Revitalisation Commission of the Poznań City Council, the Integrated Programme for the Renewal and Development of the City Centre for the years 2014-2030 was developed and adopted. This programme was the beginning of the implementation of large qualitative changes in selected areas of the city, mainly: the Old Market, pl. Kolegiacki, ul. Święty Marcin, the former depot at ul. Madalińskiego, or Rynek Łazarski.

As a continuation of the above-mentioned programmes, additionally empowered by law (Act of 9 October 2015 on revitalisation), the Municipal Revitalisation Programme for the City of Poznań was drafted. The preparation of the Programme was preceded by a multidimensional social, economic and spatial diagnosis of Poznań, which resulted in the designation of the degraded area and the revitalisation area of the city of Poznań. The main objectives of the Programme include: to stop the depopulation process; to strengthen economic (especially commercial and service), cultural and social activities; to restore the continuity of urban structures and aesthetics of urban space; and to improve acoustics and air quality. The implementation of the assumed objectives will be supported by 14 planned projects, which will bring together a total of 95 different revitalisation projects, located mainly in Poznań’s City Centre, which performs many functions in the structure of the city. Therefore, negative social, economic, environmental, spatial and functional as well as technical phenomena accumulate in this area.

The most important planned revitalisation activities in Poznań include investment projects to improve the development of significant public spaces, e.g. relieving traffic and development of public transportation on ul. Święty Marcin, ul. 27 Grudnia ul. Ratajczaka (Centre I and Centre II Programmes), and the revitalisation of key markets and city squares (Old Market, Rynek Jeżycki and Rynek Łazarski, and Plac Kolegiacki). Moreover, investments are planned to improve the following transport systems: road (construction of ul. Dolna Głogowska, extension of ul. Św. Wawrzyńca, modernisation of ul. Dąbrowskiego), tram (construction of a tramway to Naramowice, along ul. Ratajczaka, modernisation of railway tracks), bus (bus lanes), bicycle (main cycling routes and connecting routes, the Wartostrada) and bridges and footbridges over the Warta River and between individual districts. The programme also assumes shaping the use of public space from the organisational perspective, e.g. introducing a special financial policy including tax preferences for entities creating culture, reorganising the parking policy, creating a cultural park in the Old Town.

Activation of public space will also take place by increasing its accessibility and attractiveness for the organisation of cultural and sporting events and public debates, integration meetings, and recreation. Culture and heritage will constitute a significant part of the revitalisation process, supported both in terms of investments (construction of the Museum of Urban Communication, the “Enigma” Cipher Centre, the Museum of the Greater Poland Uprising, construction of the seat of the Musical Theatre, development of the 19th-century fortifications), as well as organizstion (creation of local cultural centres, grants, spaces for cultural activities, co-financing for the modernization of historic tenement houses and other historic objects), and social (integration of local communities through culture).

In the area of revitalisation, particular emphasis is placed on improving living conditions through, among others, construction of municipal buildings, modernisation and financing of housing stock renovations, cleaning and improving the aesthetics of the surrounding space, including common spaces and courtyards. A special place on the map of the city centre is occupied by the Warta River and its adjacent areas, which are to become an important place of rest for Poznań’s residents and one of the most important tourist attractions of the city.

Senior Policy for the City of Poznań for the years 2017-2021

(Resolution of the City Council of Poznań No. LV/1001/VII/2017)

Global trends, the current demographic situation in Poznań and its forecasts clearly indicate an increasing share of seniors in the total population. It was considered necessary to include measures aimed at supporting older people in current policies. It is important to continue the activities already carried out by the City and to systematically introduce new ones, which the Senior Policy of the City of Poznań assumes.

Support for seniors, creation and provision of adequate services in the field of medical care, social welfare and the service sector, as well as organisation of public space, intergenerational integration and social activity of seniors are becoming one of the major priorities of the City’s activities.

Senior policy involves, among others, creating conditions for the development and life of the oldest generation, strengthening the potential of the elderly and using their potential and experience, intergenerational integration and social inclusion, as well as partnership. It was considered important to create a positive image of old age in public awareness and to cooperate with universities, the private sector and non-governmental organisations, as well as to use their potential when creating and implementing urban investments, projects and solutions aimed at improving the quality of life of seniors.

The assumed changes will be achieved through numerous organisational and investment activities within the strategic areas of the city’s functioning, such as: increasing the accessibility of public spaces and buildings, developing friendly transport, developing housing dedicated to senior citizens, creating conditions for social and civic participation of the oldest residents of the city, employment conditions, as well as developing and improving the quality of public services, including health care, social care, education and access to information.

Housing Policy of the City of Poznań for the Years 2017-2027

(Resolution of the City Council of Poznań No. LVIII/1095/VII/2017)

The housing policy of the City of Poznań is a document which, based on the diagnosis made, defines the needs and presents the strategic objectives and directions of activities in the field of housing development, considering various forms of investment in the City of Poznań. The aim of the housing policy is to create conditions ensuring that households are able to satisfy their housing needs, in accordance with their own preferences, aspirations and economic opportunities – by using appropriate instruments at the stage of the investment process, in the phase of acquiring the right to a house, and afterwards while using a given dwelling.

In the face of the observed high negative migration balance, the City of Poznań wishes to actively counteract this trend and pursue a housing policy in a broader scope than that resulting from the applicable laws on municipal housing stock management, extending these activities with an active housing policy addressed to people with medium and higher incomes. The policy addresses specific action packages to different target groups, classified on the basis of income and needs. For the poorest persons and those with low-income, it provides for measures including: obtaining social housing by directing existing tenants to dwellings in newly built buildings, managing vacant dwellings, improving the technical condition of the existing housing stock of the City of Poznań, launching the Municipal Rental Office programme. It dedicates flats remaining in PTBS’ resources to people with average incomes and proposes cooperation with BGK Nieruchomości SA in order to implement the “Mieszkanie Plus” (“Apartment Plus”) programme. In addition, the City has established instruments for persons with higher income, including the sale of municipal plots of land for them to build detached houses as well as pursuing an active spatial policy.

Cycling Programme for the City of Poznań for the years 2017-2022 with a perspective until 2025

(Resolution of the City Council of Poznań No. XLVIII/843/VII/2017)

The programme is a response to the growing interest in cycling among the residents of Poznań and of global trends in the pursuit of the development of ecological forms of transport. The overall objective of the Programme is to achieve a 12% share of cycling in urban transport by 2025. The programme assumes ensuring the possibility of safe and comfortable cycling through the implementation of a coherent network of main cycling routes and leading to a decrease in the absolute number of incidents involving cyclists and elimination of fatalities among cyclists.

As a result of the conducted research and diagnoses, the need was identified to create a coherent network of the main cycling routes of the highest standard together with the most important links taking in significant flows of cycling traffic. Therefore, the Programme assumes the construction of a total of 151.33 km of bicycle routes, including: radial routes (6 main and outgoing routes with a total length of 97.39 km), “ring” routes (2 ring routes with a total length of 24.34 km), the Wartostrada (2 routes with a total length of 13.6 km) and complementary routes (19 routes with a total length of 15.68 km). At the same time, in order to achieve the Programme’s objectives, it is planned to introduce low-traffic zones in residential areas, organise a bicycle parking system (public parking spaces, parking spaces in residential areas, parking spaces ensuring integration with public transport) and make one-way streets available for cycling “against the flow of traffic” (as counter flow lanes and counter traffic).

Environmental Protection Programme for the City of Poznań for the years 2017-2020 with a perspective until 2024.

(Resolution of the Poznań City Council No. LIV/978/VII/2017)

The basic objective of the Programme is to improve the quality of life of Poznań’s residents, enabling them to function in conditions of sustainable development, in a high-quality environment and with significant natural values serving as the basis for the economic development of the City. The programme covers a wide range of activities and large investments aimed at improving the quality of life of the residents of Poznań through, among others: improving air quality, reducing the impact of transport on the environment, rational water management, waste management, protecting natural resources together with the increase of natural resources subject to legal protection, environmental education, implementing innovations for the protection of the environment, successive removal of asbestos from the city of Poznań, activities supporting the programme for the protection of birds in the city, enrichment and rational use of forest resources, reclamation of degraded areas. The programme contains a catalogue of large investment projects for the implementation of the adopted objectives as well as smaller ones, the aim of which is, above all, to build environmental awareness.
