The Poznań City Hall plans and performs its tasks using a process approach as part of a management system compliant with PN-EN ISO 9001:2015 and PN-EN ISO 14001:2015 standards.

They both introduce improved monitoring of documentation and records, involvement of management in building a quality management system, or systematic measurements, e.g. in terms of customer satisfaction (9001) and identification of environmental aspects in the functioning of the institution (14001).

Management System Policy

The correctness of the identified processes, the described procedures and instructions, the consistency of detailed objectives with the established Management System Policy, the degree of achievement of objectives, the risks involved and the preventive measures applied are subject to regular reviews and assessments by the Mayor of the City of Poznań, the Deputy Mayors of the City of Poznań, the Secretary of the City of Poznań and the Treasurer of the City of Poznań as part of periodic reviews of the management system.

The principles of human resources management are based on the international Investors in People (IIP) standard, which guarantees the quality and growth of human resources.

The Poznań City Hall operates on the basis of the following management support methods and tools:

  • risk management, whose aim is to identify potential threats and irregularities, in order to prevent, among other things, customer dissatisfaction, as well as to eliminate or minimize errors in organisation; uniform and efficient risk analysis carried out by departments and municipal organisational units is enabled by the application used in the system of monitoring the quality of public services
  • self-assessment of the functioning of management control, carried out by means of a web survey, is aimed at improving the quality of work performed by employees of the PCH and municipal organisational units, which affects the quality of services rendered to residents and allows to identify irregularities in the management system and indicates improvement or corrective actions
  • process management at the PCH and municipal organisational units through the BICPortal system, which improves the quality and effectiveness of the implementation of the City’s processes
  • an information security system to ensure that the municipality’s tasks are carried out in accordance with the law and technical recommendations in the area of information security, thus ensuring the protection of personal data of residents and customers whose data is processed by the PCH
  • customer satisfaction survey, aimed at obtaining information from customers on the quality of work performed by the PCH and municipal organisational units and their expectations with respect to the services provided by the City
  • audits of the PCH and municipal organisational units, in accordance with legal requirements and adopted standards; audits support the standardisation of activities and prevent irregularities; an external certification audit, which confirms the compliance of the management system with the requirements of ISO standards, and also increases the level of trust in the public institution; in 2017 audit of the supervision over the management system certification was carried out by certification body TUV Rheinland Polska Sp. z o.o.
  • reviews of the management system aimed at assessing the suitability, adequacy, and effectiveness of the management system and at providing information on the functioning of the management system, and through the monitoring of processes – effective use of resources
  • periodic job evaluation, aimed at increasing employees’ involvement in the implementation of the objectives of the PCH, shaping appropriate attitudes and behaviours, motivating them to develop in order to improve the quality of work
  • a code of ethics together with a standard of customer service, contributing to the development and consolidation of behaviours compliant with the principles of the legal order and good manners, building the residents’ trust in public authorities
  • trainings, courses, conferences, workshops, studies, seminars and free forms of qualification raising, providing conditions for the development of employees’ professional competencies, in order to meet the changing requirements of the environment, carry out new tasks, maintain a high level of professionalism and increase the effectiveness of the tasks performed; in 2017, almost 2.3 thousand employees benefited from the above-mentioned forms of qualification improvement
  • a transparent, open, and competitive recruitment of candidates for employment, aimed at attracting employees with appropriate competences and attitudes, thus ensuring high quality of services provided by them and professionalism at work
  • the MDOK system, which introduces a uniform procedure for the circulation of electronic documents, ensuring the monitoring of the circulation, including the control of document ownership at all times

Diversity Charter

In 2016, the Mayor of the City of Poznań signed a Diversity Charter with the aim of implementing a diversity management and workplace anti-discrimination policy. The Diversity Charter is a European initiative to promote and disseminate equal treatment policies irrespective of gender, race, sexual orientation, ethnic origin, age, disability or religion, and to manage diversity in the workplace. The Signatory undertakes, among others, to counteract mobbing and discrimination in the workplace, ensure equal remuneration, access to work, promotions and training, as well as to promote behaviours and educate on diversity among its employees and cooperating entities.
In 2017, Zarząd Dróg Miejskich (“Municipal Roads Administration”) and the Poznańskie Centrum Świadczeń (“Poznań Benefits Centre”) were among the next signatories of the Diversity Charter.
