In 2017, investment expenditures of the City of Poznań and its organisational units amounted to PLN 655.7 million.

The largest investment expenditures, amounting to over PLN 352 million, were incurred by Zarząd Dróg Miejskich (“Municipal Roads Administration”). The second largest disposer of funds incurred for investments was Zarząd Transportu Miejskiego (“Urban Transport Authority”), which spent over PLN 185 million.

The city invests the most in civil engineering related to road infrastructure, and the most important investments in this area included the redevelopment of:

  • engineering structures – the Rataje-Franowo Programme (PLN 145.6 million)
  • the Kaponiera roundabout transportation junction (PLN 46.2 million)
  • ul. Grunwaldzka (PLN 33.9 million).

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