In 2017, new loans and borrowings were taken in the amount of PLN 115.7 million, and the previously incurred liabilities in the amount of PLN 267.5 million were repaid.

At the end of 2017, the total amount of liabilities on account of credits, loans and issued bonds amounted to over PLN 1,224 million, of which:

  • loans taken out on the foreign market from the European Investment Bank amounted to PLN 581.2 million; these funds were allocated for financing investments in the area of road infrastructure, transport infrastructure, health care, municipal management, social policy, and education
  • loans taken out on the domestic market amounted to PLN 362.1 million
  • liabilities resulting from the issue of bonds amounted to PLN 280 million
  • liabilities on account of loans taken out from the Voivodship Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management – for the implementation of tasks related to environmental protection – PLN 969 thousand


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