In 2017 the income of the City amounted to PLN 3,510 million and were higher by 7,9 % than in the previous year, the expenditures of the City amounted to over PLN 3,349 million and were higher by 3,9% than in the previous year.

City budget income

Taxes are the main sources of income of the City, in particular:

  • shares in income taxes
  • property tax
  • grants and subsidies from the state budget.

The City’s income from its share in PIT and CIT taxes amounted to over PLN 1,122.6 million. Income from PIT and CIT taxes constituted 32% of total income.
Grants and subsidies from the state budget in 2017 were higher than in 2016 by 9.7% and amounted to PLN 1,100.4 million.
The largest allocation from local fiscal burdens came from property tax – PLN 402.5 million (an increase of 3.7% as compared to 2016).

Main sources of income for the City budget in 2017
Źródło Wartość w zł
Dotacje i subwencje z budżetu państwa 1 100,4 mln
Udziały w podatku dochodowym (PIT) 992,4 mln
Udziały w podatku dochodowym (CIT) 130,2 mln
Podatki i opłaty lokalne 666,5 mln
Pozostałe dochody 620,5 mln
Source: Poznań City Hall

Expenditure of the City budget

The largest expenditures, constituting 55% of all expenditures of the City budget, were allocated to:

  • education (over PLN 1,028 million, including expenditures on non-self-government institutions, i.e. 6.4% more than in 2016)
  • roads and public transport (PLN 814.7 million, i.e. over 13.9% less than in 2016)

Significant expenditure was also incurred on:

  • social and health policy (over PLN 672.2 million, i.e. 13.7% more than in 2016)
  • communal management and environmental protection (PLN 174.6 million, i.e. over 34.6% more than in 2016)
  • administration (PLN 166.1 million, i.e. 5.4% more than in 2016).

Over 24.9% less than in 2016 was spent on property expenditures – PLN 440 million, and current expenditures amounted to PLN 2,909 million, i.e. over 10.3% more than in 2016.

Surplus of the City budget

In 2017, a budget surplus of PLN 161.6 million was generated.


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