In 2017, the largest amount of European funds was raised for revitalisation, transport, and education – PLN 219 million from the Wielkopolska Regional Operational Programme for 2014-2020 and from the Operational Programme Infrastructure and Environment 2014-2020.

Since 2004, the City of Poznań and municipal companies have obtained co-financing from EU funds in the amount of approximately PLN 4.8 billion. In the 2004-2006 perspective it was approx. PLN 400 million, and in the 2007-2013 perspective – PLN 3.6 billion. A significant part falls to municipal companies, such as Aquanet S.A., which implemented large investments co-financed from EU funds.

2015-2020 programming period

The City of Poznań and companies with the participation of the City received PLN 833.8 million in EU aid over the 2014-2020 programming period, including:

  • 58.62% from the Operational Programme Infrastructure and Environment
  • 38.45% from the Wielkopolska Regional Operational Programme for the years 2014-2020
  • 1.38% from Community Initiatives
  • 0.91% – EEA and the Norway Grants
  • 0.62% from the Operational Programme Knowledge Education Development
  • 0.03% from the Operational Programme Technical Assistance.

The beneficiaries allocated the obtained funds mainly to undertakings in the field of public transport, revitalisation, education, and road infrastructure. The largest investments are related to improving the quality of public transport, which is in line with current priorities.


List of projects continued or completed in 2017
Project name Total project value (PLN) Co-financing for the project (PLN) Implementation period
Operational Programme Infrastructure and Environment

Construction of a tramway route from the Wilczak terminal to Naramowice in Poznań
264 439 184 109 002 900 2014-2022

Improvement of transport conditions along National Road No 92 in Poznań
244 443 501 121 668 705 2014-2021
Reconstruction of the tramway route ul. Kórnicka – os. Lecha – Żegrze roundabout together with the construction of a new section from the Żegrze roundabout to ul. Unii Lubelskiej 171 043 845 56 999 377 2014-2022
Centrum Programme – stage II – construction of a tramway route together with decreasing traffic along ul. Ratajczaka 130 000 000 59 049 593 2016-2022
Centrum Programme – stage I – redevelopment of tramway routes together with decreasing traffic along: ul. Święty Marcin, Fredry, Mielżyńskiego, 27 Grudnia, pl. Wolności, Towarowa 100 000 000 45 422 764 2014-2020
Reconstruction of the tramway route along ul. Dąbrowskiego 64 434 622 27 249 408 2014-2022
Redevelopment of tracks along ul. Wierzbięcice and ul. 28 Czerwca 1956 r. 62 805 288 27 253 606 2016-2022
Park Rataje in Poznań 21 370 212 11 882 620 2015-2019
Conservation of the representative interiors of the western part of the former imperial castle in Poznań and their adaptation in order to make effective use of the cultural heritage 20 987 097 14 341 881 2017-2020
Modernization of the building of the Raczyński Library in Poznań and preservation and digitization of valuable library resources 20 639 048 14 220 941 2016-2020
Retrofitting medical equipment for the trauma centre at ul. Szwajcarska 3 in Poznań 2 000 000 1 700 000 2014-2017
Wielkopolska Regional Operational Programme for 2014-2020
Purchase of modern low-floor tram rolling stock 450 303 000 50 000 000 2016-2019
Correction of the functioning of the transportation layout in the area of the Rataje roundabout 153 753 114 106 611 085 2017-2020
Improving the efficiency of public transport and facilitating the integration of various modes of public transportation in Poznań and the Suchy Las commune 96 874 800 67 202 105 2015-2017
Redevelopment of ul .Gdyńska (DW 196) from the intersection with ul. Bałtycka to the city boundary 94 115 814 40 999 146 2014-2017
Thermal modersniation of educational institutions in the City of Poznań 24 261 165 12 820 017 2017-2018
Construction of the bike and pedestrian Wartostrada route 21 649 428 16 399 442 2015-2020
Development of the infrastructure of the Centre for Vocational and Continuing Training in Poznań 20 317 509 16 834 428 2017-2018
Equipping educational institutions with modern and highly-specialised technological equipment on the premises of the Poznań functional urban area 17 847 433 15 170 318 2017-2018
The Enigma Museum in Poznań 15 005 995 10 369 996 2017-2019
Construction of a Park&Ride parking system in Poznań – stage II 13 050 731 8 960 148 2017-2019
Revitalization and protection of the cultural heritage of the Dzieciniec pod Słońcem complex w Poznań 10 473 241 8 539 986 2016-2018
“Tu się wszystko zaczęło” – an exhibition of testimonies of the beginnings of Polish statehood at Ostrów Tumski in Poznań 9 850 000 8 217 549 2016-2018
Construction of electronic services and necessary for this purpose retrofitting the hardware infrastructure and software data processing at the Wielospecjalistyczny Szpital Miejski im. J. Strusia in Poznań 8 549 835 7 267 360 2017-2018
Extension and modernisation of Primary School No. 48 in Poznań 6 984 432 3 823 879 2017-2018
Digitisation and modernization of the surveying and cartographic resources of the city of Poznań and launch of e-services 6 833 451 5 808 433 2016-2018
Development of the Poznań Technology and Industry Park through specialist consulting services supporting BEI and functional incorporation of Building 400 into the structures of PTIP 6 255 585 1 265 210 2017
Construction of a P&R parking system in Poznań – stage I – “Szymanowskiego” car park 4 444 664 3 003 516 2016-2017
Construction of electronic services and necessary for this purpose retrofitting the hardware infrastructure and software data processing at the Wielospecjalistyczny Szpital Miejski im. J. Strusia in Poznań 2 199 855 1 869 877 2017-2018
Improving access to childcare services for children under 3 in the city of Poznań 2 513 671 2 136 620 2017-2018
Improving access to care services for children up to 3 years old showing signs of disability in the city of Poznań 627 947 533 755 2018-2019
Feniks 12 750 056 12 750 056 2017-2018
Assisted living programme for persons with intellectual disabilities from the City of Poznań 395 895 269 896 2016-2019
Social services for the residents of Poznań 1 088 076 471 830 2017-2018
Improving access to social services supporting families and foster family care in the Urban Functional Area of Poznań 7 064 814 6 707 814 2017-2020
“Gimnazjalista z pasją” – comprehensive support for students of junior high schools of the Urban Functional Area in the selection of optimal educational and professional paths 4 753 069 4 464 800 2017-2019
Increasing skills in mathematics and computer science by upper secondary school students from the Urban Functional Area of Poznań 1 041 405 1 041 405 2018-2020
Professional qualifications – the key to success – we support the development of vocational training in the Urban Functional Area of Poznań 8 679 821 8 679 821 2017-2019
Operational Programme Knowledge Education Development
Foreign internships for students and graduates of vocational schools and training of vocational education staff

Foreign mobility of school education staff

2 448 316 2 448 316 2016-2020
Foreign internships for students and graduates of vocational schools and training of vocational education staff

Foreign mobility of school education staff

1 256 341 1 256 341 2015-2017
Trans-national mobility of students and graduates as well as vocational education and training staff 770 476 770 476 2017-2019

Foreign mobility of school education staff
252 975 252 975 2016-2019

Foreign mobility of school education staff
241 032 241 032 2014-2017
Recipe for Wielkopolska’s social innovation – care services for dependent persons 202 927 198 391 2016-2019
EEA Financial Mechanism and Norway Grants 2009-2014
POZ-NORD 198 000 198 000 2017
Erasmus +
Strategic partnerships – 2014 edition 210 611 € 210 611 € 2014-2017
Learning mobility -2015 edition 325 364 € 325 364 € 2015-2017
Strategic partnerships – 2015 edition 170 000 € 170 000 € 2015-2018
Learning mobility 0 2016 edition
1. Magnolia – languages and shares and education space
2. Active and effective in a Europe free from prejudice in the European labour market
121 677 € 121 677 € 2016-2018
Strategic partnerships – 2016 edition
1. Europeans for Fair Trade
2. Home alone
3. European rainbow – a guide to teach European citizenship
4. Lets help
99 900 € 99 900 € 2016-2019
Young Goes Euro 55 324 € 55 324 € 2016-2018
Mobility of school education staff – 2017 edition
1. Together in Europe
2. Adaptive approach to teaching hospitalised students
53 140 € 53 140 € 2017-2019
Learning mobility – 2017 edition
1. Road workers of the 21st century 2 – international work placements for students as a chance for schools
2. Active and Efficient e-Europeans
3. Increase of professional competences of students and staff of the Zespół Szkół Łączności as a result of internships and trainings in an international environment.
4. Economic effectiveness as a determinant of activity on the labour market
615 792 € 615 792 € 2017-2019
Strategic partnerships – 2017 edition
1. Fit fur lebenslanges Lernen – Unterstutzt durch Innovative und Digitale Unterrichts-Methodem
3. MMA, or Magic Maths Around, time
4. We all stand together
5. Sharing European Values by National Films
6. National Games And Sports Bring US Together
153 855 € 153 855 € 2017-2020
Get into the swing of the City! – development phase
149 960 € 127 466 € 2015-2018
REFILL-REuse of vacant spaces as driving Force for Innovation on Local Level 11 263 € 85% 2016-2018
Interreg VB
Planning sustainable urban logistics to strengthen regional transport (CE 222 SULPiTER) 625 100 85% 2016-2019
The Baltic Sea Region
BaltCityPrevention 654 381 556 224 2017-2020
Horyzont 2020
CONNECTING – COproductioN with NaturE for City Transitioning, INnovation and Governance  2 579 500 773 850 2017-2022
Innovation and Networks Executive Agency – Department C – Connecting Europe Facility
European cross-border e-invoice in local public procurement in Poland 312 740 220 504 2017-2018
Source: Poznań City Hall


Among the projects for which the City of Poznań received co-financing, the majority of investments are in public transport under Measure 6.1 “Development of public transport in cities” of the Operational Programme Infrastructure and Environment.

The City also obtained co-financing for educational, cultural, health and social policy projects, as well as for e-services.

Major projects

The City of Poznań received the largest subsidy, over 121 million, for the improvement of transport conditions along the national road no 92 and 109 million, for the implementation of the tramway route project to Naramowice – from the Wilczak terminal to Naramowice.

Another large project is the “Centrum Programme”, which is being implemented in two stages:

  • The first stage involves redevelopment of tramway routes along with car traffic decrease along the following streets: Święty Marcin, Fredry, Mielżyńskiego, 27 Grudnia, Towarowa, and pl. Wolności.
  • The second stage includes the construction of a tramway route and decreasing traffic on ul. Ratajczaka.

In total, the City of Poznań received PLN 104.5 million in EU co-financing for the implementation of the “Centrum Programme”.

Other planned investments, financed from the funds of the Operational Programme Infrastructure and Environment, are also related to tram routes:

  • redevelopment of the Kórnicka-os. Lecha-Żegrze tramway route with the construction of a section from the Żegrze roundabout to ul. Unii Lubleskiej, where the City of Poznań will receive a subsidy of PLN 57 million
  • redevelopment of the route along ul. Dąbrowskiego
  • renovation of railway tracks along the following streets: Wierzbięcice and 28 Czerwca 1956 r. (PLN 54 million in total).

Integrated Territorial Investments

As part of the Integrated Territorial Investments under the Wielkopolska Regional Operational Programme, the City is implementing numerous investments in the field of education. These include:

  • equipping educational institutions with modern technological equipment
  • support for vocational training
  • thermal modernisation of schools.

The City of Poznań has also obtained co-financing for cultural projects. They are largely related to the revitalisation and protection of cultural heritage. These include, but are not limited to:

  • conservation of representative interiors of the western part of the former imperial castle in Poznań
  • modernisation of the Raczyński Library and digitisation of library collections
  • revitalization of the Dzieciniec pod Słońcem, which is a complex comprising the Młodzieżowy Dom Kultury nr 1 and a park
  • exhibiting testimonies of the beginnings of Polish statehood in Ostrów Tumski.

Investments are also being made in health care and social welfare, such as:

  • retrofitting of the hospital at ul. Szwajcarska
  • projects aimed at improving access to social services for families and supporting family foster care.