In 2017 the City of Poznań joined the Cities for Cyclists’ network.

International organisations

The City of Poznań is a member of 11 international cooperation organizations and platforms associating cities and regions:

  • Cities for Cyclists’
  • European Cities Marketing
  • International Congress and Convention Association
  • Le Club de Strasbourg
  • Mayors for Peace
  • Oder Partnerschaft
  • Poznań – Ille-et-Vilaine Foundation
  • WHO Healthy Cities Network – VI Phase
  • WHO Global Network for Age-friendly Cities
  • Open & Agile Smart Cities.

The year 2017 was a period of particular activity of the City’s representatives in:


In 2017:

  • as part of the EUROCITIES cooperation platform, a meeting was held in Antwerp on building a stronger, more integrated Europe, urban regeneration, and preventing Euroscepticism.
  • the “Circular Cities” conference and the Annual General Meeting of EUROCITIES in Ljubljana were held; the conference focused on the practices of cities applying the principles of circular economy.
European Cities Marketing (ECM)

The following were held in 2017:

  • The 30th ECM Annual Meeting & General Assembly in Dubrovnik; the theme of the conference included standards in urban travel and tourism, new markets and threats to safety
  • an expert meeting and workshops of the “Tourist Cards” working group in Vienna, which saw a discussion on new technological and systemic solutions in this field and card distribution systems.
International Congress and Convention Association (ICCA)

In 2017, a representative of the Poznań Convention Bureau (PCB) took part in the IMEX exhibition in Frankfurt, also participating in numerous meetings, trainings and presentations with the participation of representatives of the industry associated in ICCA, including a large meeting of professionals from all over the world. The main topic of the meeting was the key conditions for the organisation of meetings and the most important organizational problems determining the competitiveness of offers.

Oder Partnerschaft

In 2017, the City of Poznań participated in the annual meeting in Berlin organised as part of the Oder-Partnerschaft’s Round Table on Transport Development on the development of the “Berlin-Poznań-Łódź-Warsaw Transport Growth Corridor” and further long-distance transport connections, as well as the activation of a corridor of the Trans-European North Sea-Baltic Core Network in the context of regional development. As a participant of the Oder Partnerschaft Platform, the City of Poznań also participated in the works of the Interregional Cooperation Committee of the Polish-German Intergovernmental Commission for Regional and Cross-border Cooperation during the annual meeting held in Berlin. The main theme of the meeting concerned Polish and German cooperation as regards knowledge and innovation transfers as well as Polish and German personal relations, partnerships, and families in the context of civic society

Domestic organisations

The City of Poznań is a member of 15 national organisations and networks associating local governments. These include associations, foundations, as well as other networks of cities – established by agreements or declarations of cooperation:

  • Association of Polish Cities
  • Union of Polish Metropolises
  • Poznań Metropolitan Area Association
  • Association of Municipalities and Districts of Wielkopolska
  • Wielkopolska Centre for Local-Government Education and Studies
  • Poznań – Ille et Vilaine Foundation
  • POMOST Foundation
  • Fundacja Rozwoju Rolnictwa i Gospodarki Żywnościowej
  • PLOT – Poznań Local Tourist Organization
  • “Forum for Revitalisation” Association
  • Stowarzyszenie Gmin, powiatów i województw “Droga S 11”
  • Stowarzyszenie Jednostek Samorządu Terytorialnego “Komunikacja”
  • Stowarzyszenie Zdrowych Miast Polskich
  • Związek Stowarzyszeń Wielkopolski Bank Żywności
  • Wielkopolska ICT Cluster.

Their main objective is to work towards solving similar problems.
