In 2017 in the Poznań agglomeration there were 20 shopping centres with a total retail area of 692,400 m2.

Poznań belongs to the cities with the most developed retail network in the country. This applies to both traditional and large-area trade. A report by Colliers International indicates that the level of saturation with modern shopping centre space in Poland amounts to 292 m2 per 1000 inhabitants. Among the 8 main agglomerations, the highest value of the indicator was recorded in Poznań, where the retail space saturation is 862 m2 per 1000 inhabitants.

Shopping malls

Currently, there are 20 shopping malls with a total area of 692,400 m2 operating on the market of the Poznań agglomeration. In Poznań shopping centres, the largest group of tenants is made up of chains from the fashion, services, health, and beauty sectors. The Poznań market is well-developed and provides a wide variety of shopping facilities. There are various formats of shopping centres: downtown shopping and entertainment centres, large shopping parks, freestanding hypermarkets and sales centres.
One of the most important shopping centres in Poznań is the Shopping, Arts and Business Center “Stary Browar”, located in the very centre of the city, in the former Hugger Brewery. Popular shopping places also include the shopping malls in Posnania, Galeria Malta, and Avenida.


According to the Central Statistical Office, there are 1.9 thousand shops and 78 fuel stations in Poznań (employing more than 9 people). Apart from shops with various assortment (including fruit, vegetables, and fish), which constitute one quarter of Poznań’s shops, specialized shops are dominating – 63%. In total, shops employ 16.9 thousand people, including the largest number, i.e. almost a half, in specialized stores. Stores in Poznań occupy 698,000 m2.

The city has 22 department stores, shopping centres and hypermarkets, as well as 129 supermarkets with a total sales area of 253,000 m2 employing a total of 6 thousand employees.

In 2017, retail sales of commercial and non-commercial enterprises increased during the year by 8.7% (in current prices), while sales of solid, liquid and gaseous fuels increased the most (by 77.1%). The increase was also observed in units with other retail sales in non-specialized stores (by 60.1%), companies dealing with pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, and orthopaedic equipment (by 43.4%) and textiles, clothing and footwear (by 33.6%). A decrease in sales was recorded in the following groups: furniture, electronic consumer goods and white goods (by 19.9%), food, beverages, and tobacco (by 7.2%), as well as motor vehicles, motorcycles, and their parts (by 6.6%). In 2017, the value of wholesale in commercial enterprises increased by 27.2% on average (in current prices).

Poznań has a modern wholesale market, meeting European standards, for fruit, vegetables, live and artificial flowers and food products – Wielkopolska Gildia Rolno-Ogrodnicza (“Wielkopolska Agricultural and Horticultural Guild”), which is an example of a model solution for the organisation of trade in food, horticultural and agricultural products in a large urban agglomeration.


In spite of the intensive development of the material base for permanent trade, the city’s marketplaces continue to be very popular among the general public. Targowiska Sp. z o.o., the company supervising 10 markets in Poznań (Jeżycki Market, Bernardyński Square, Rynek Wilecki, Wielkopolski Square, Łazarski Market, markets at Świt, Dolna Wilda, Bukowska, Urbanowska, and Racjonalizatorów Streets), carries out administrative and cleaning activities.

In 2017, at the city’s marketplaces – with an area of 29.2 thousand m2 – sellers conducted trade activities at 1.7 thousand fixed outlets. During Christmas and summer holidays period, the company organized fairs on the Old Market Square, such as St. John’s Fair, held in 2017 for the 41st time, as well as one-day or two-day outdoor events integrating Poznań’s local communities.
