In 2017, industry was the source of income for 32.2% of the total number of people working in Poznań in the enterprise sector and provided the largest part, second after services, of the Gross Value Added (GVA) generated in the city.

Industry revenues

The largest share of total industry sales revenues in Poznań can be found in:

  • generation and supply of electricity, gas, hot water, and steam
  • food products and beverages manufacturing
  • rubber and plastic products manufacturing
  • motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers manufacturing

Sold industrial production

The structure of sold industrial production, as well as employment in the enterprise sector, indicates the growing importance of high-tech departments in industrial production. In 2017, the value of sold industrial production amounted to PLN 4.6 billion, i.e. 12.2% more than in the previous year.

An increase in sold production compared to the previous year was recorded in 20 (out of 28) industry sectors, where sales constituted 80.7% of the total industrial production value. Increases were recorded, among others, in the production of:

  • chemicals and chemical products (by 13.5%)
  • other non-metallic mineral products (by 11.5%)
  • rubber and plastic products (by 5.6%).

Labour productivity, measured as output sold per 1 employee, in 2017 amounted to PLN 894.7 thousand (in current prices) and was higher by 8.1% (in constant prices) than the year before.

Sold construction industry production

In 2017, sold production of the construction industry in Poznań reached the amount of PLN 4.5 billion and was 3.9% lower the year before. In 2017, slightly more than half (50.7%) of sold construction industry production was generated by the sale of construction and assembly products (2016 – 45.2%). The value of this production (PLN 2.3 billion) increased by 7.8% over the year.

In 2017 the economic situation in the construction industry slightly improved, however, it did not manage to reach the level of 2016.The biggest barriers to the development of construction include: volatility of the construction market, lack of labour and rising production costs, including the increase in the prices of materials, raw materials and transport costs .

In Poznań, 4.8% of the total number of people working in the enterprise sector worked in the “Construction” section.

Labour productivity, measured by output sold per 1 employee, in 2017 amounted to PLN 623.8 thousand, i.e. 1.8% less than in the previous year.


Sold industrial production per capita in Poznań
2005 2010 2014 2015 2016 2016/2005 w %
Sold industrial production per capita in PLN (entities employing more than 9 persons) 44 662 52 030 64 012 66 701 74 659 167,2
Source: Polish Central Statistical Office


Sold industrial production per capita in large Polish cities (2016)
Poznań Kraków Łódź Warszawa Wrocław
Sold industrial production per capita in PLN (entities employing more than 9 persons) 74 659 33 879 22 594 61 534 30 004
Source: Polish Central Statistical Office


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