In 2017, the City of Poznań implemented a number of programmes and projects aimed at activating the unemployed and those seeking employment.

In 2017, the DLO used, among others, the following aid measures for the unemployed:

  • vocational counselling – 1.4 thousand people took used individual vocational counselling services, 3.5 thousand people used individual vocational information, while 0.3 thousand people used group vocational information
  • vocational courses and trainings – the total number of participants of trainings conducted by the Poznań DLO amounted to 1.3 thousand people, including 66 persons who attended individual trainings; the largest number of trainings concerned management and administration, information technology, accounting, sales, transport services, social assistance
  • training and internship fellowships – assistance in the form of training fellowships was granted to 870 persons from Poznań, and in the form of internship fellowships – to 474 persons
  • intervention works and public works – 60 contracts were concluded with employers for organisation of intervention works, 2 contracts for the organisation of public works were also signed, among others, with the Poznań City Hall, which covered 18 persons
  • job placement – assistance in finding a job, also abroad, through the support system of the European Employment Services, as part of the EURES network, in providing information on job vacancies in the European Union and the European Economic Area; information activities concerning job offers abroad, living and working conditions in the EU/EEA countries covered 160 persons; advice was given to interested persons on how to prepare for recruitment abroad and on the administrative procedures to be followed in the country of employment; The DLO also promoted EURES job placement at a job fair, where a customer advisor provided advice on working abroad at an information stand.
  • scholarships for unemployed persons taking up studies – financing studies (up to 100% of unemployment benefit) for 12 months for persons without qualifications confirmed by a diploma or certificate (the benefit was granted to 14 persons).