In December, there were 209 business entities per 1000 residents.

According to the Central Statistical Office (GUS), at the end of December 2017 there were 112.5 thousand business entities in the REGON register, i.e. 2 thousand more than in 2016 (an increase of 1.8%).
The number of newly registered businesses (8.6 thousand) was higher than the number of deregistered ones (6 thousand).

The largest number of new companies were established in the following sections:

  • Professional, scientific, and technical activity
  • Information and communication
  • Real estate market services
  • Administration and support services.

The Poznań’s economy relies on micro and small enterprises, which constituted 92.2% of all entities registered in the REGON system.

At the end of December 2017, over 4 thousand companies with foreign capital participation were registered in the city. They constituted 3.6% of economic entities operating in the city.

Employment in the modern services sector in 2017 increased by ca. 18% and amounted to 16.5 thousand people at the end of the year.


Entrepreneurship in the largest Polish cities (2016)
Poznań Kraków Łódź Warszawa Wrocław
Entities entered in the REGON register per 10,000 residents 2090 1805 1353 2463 1882
Entities per 1000 residents of working age 351 299 234 422 314
Entities newly registered in the REGON register per 10,000 residents 159 155 109 202 163
Entities newly registered in the REGON register per 10,000 residents of working age 267 257 189 345 272
Entities deleted from the REGON register per 10,000 residents 111 98 95 119 101
Sole proprietors per 1000 residents 123 110 92 131 113
Share of deregistered entities in the total number of entities entered in the REGON register in % 5,3 5,4 7,0 4,8 5,4
Source: Polish Central Statistical Office


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