na zdjęciu widać wozy policyjne

Poznań City Hall’s archive, photo. M. Nowaczyk


In 2017, the Police in Poznań found 15.8 thousand crimes.


Over the year, the number of crimes and offences in Poznań decreased by 5%. Although fewer crimes were found (by 18.7%), the number of economic offences more than doubled. The number of traffic offences increased as well (by 3.7%).

Crimes were the most common type of delinquency in Poznań (71.6%). Economic offences accounted for 22.3% of total delinquency, while traffic ones – for 3.6%.

In 2017, the rate of detection of perpetrators of crimes and offenses identified in Poznań was 55.9%. In the case of crimes, this rate was 42.4%, while the rate of detection of perpetrators of economic crimes reached 89.5%, and that of perpetrators of traffic offences was 96.5%.

In 2017, the Police recorded 83 thousand of interventions, i.e. the same number as a year ago.

Funds from the City budget

In 2017, PLN 7.6 million was allocated from the City budget for the operation of the Poznań Police Headquarters, which was spent on:

  • co-financing of:
    • the purchase of unmarked and marked police cars
    • renovation of facilities, including the headquarters of the Poznań – Stare Miasto Police station
  • financing of:
    • the purchase of IT and office equipment
    • additional patrols in the area of Poznań, to intervene in cases of violation of the Act on Upbringing in Sobriety and Counteracting Alcoholism.

The cost of additional patrols was PLN 1 million, while the remaining expenditure amounted to PLN 6.6 million. The City also earmarked PLN 51 thousand for the purchase of breathalysers to be used during patrols, and PLN 20 thousand for prizes for police officers.

Measures for public safety and order

In 2017, as part of measures for public safety and order, the Poznań Police Headquarters implemented projects and programmes addressed to various social groups, aimed at getting closer to the society, solving residents’ problems, protecting against danger and making the society interested in the prevention and counteracting methods, through e.g.:

  • continuation of the “Safe neighbourhood – safe resident” programme
  • creation of District Coordination Teams – Social Security Councils operating at the city police stations under the supervision of the Commander of the Police Headquarters
  • implementation of the “Community police officer closer to us” programme, aimed at empowering community police officers and making them more involved in dealings with residents
  • implementation and promotion of the National Safety Risk Map and the mobile “Moja Komenda” (My Police Station) application, enabling the State authorities to cooperate with residents to enhance security.

Response time in 2017:
– 12:08 minutes (in the case of emergency)
– 32:16 minutes (in other cases)

National Safety Risk Map

The National Safety Risk Map is a tool enabling reliable and clear identification and presentation of the scale and type of risks as well as institutions co-responsible for ensuring public safety and order. It is based on information catalogued on the following levels:

  • information gathered in police information systems
  • information obtained from the community during direct contacts with residents, representatives of the local government, non-governmental organisations, etc., and in the course of public debates devoted to public safety
  • information obtained from residents with the use of the information sharing platform.

Information presented on the maps includes both selected categories of crimes and offenses, as well as threats that – according to residents – negatively affect their sense of safety.

In 2017, 12.8 thousand threats were recorded in the area under the jurisdiction of the Poznań Police Headquarters, of which PLN 9.9 thousand ones were recorded in the area of Poznań. The most frequently reported threats include: speeding, parking violations and alcohol consumption in unauthorised places.

After verification, 3.4 thousand threats were confirmed, of which 2.2 thousand ones were eliminated. The Police continue to patrol the indicated locations, paying particular attention to hazards that may occur there.

“Moja Komenda” application

The mobile “Moja Komenda” application has been developed by the Ministry of the Interior and Administration and the Police as part of the “Community Police Officer closer to us” programme. The application is a tool that provides every user with quick access to information about addresses and telephone numbers of police facilities and enables contact with all community police officers throughout Poland.

It has been developed for people who need to contact the police in situations other than those directly threatening life or health. The application provides for two methods of searching for information about police units and community police officers. After enabling location services on the phone, the application will find the nearest police unit itself, showing how to reach it on foot or by a means of transport. The “Moja Komenda” application also enables searching by the name of the unit, street or postal code, as well as street view of the unit’s seat.

Public safety in Poznań
2014 2015 2016 2016/2014
Crimes identified by the police in the course of completed preparatory proceedings 22,206 19,869 16,614 74.8
Crimes identified by the police per 1 thousand residents 40.6 36.5 30.7 75.5
Rate of detection of perpetrators of crimes identified by the police – in total 51.4 49.0 47.9 93.2
Source: Polish Central Statistical Office


Public safety situation in large Polish cities in 2016
Poznań Krakow Łódź Warsaw Wrocław
Crimes identified by the police in the course of completed preparatory proceedings 16,614 23,704 16,652 48,58 22,993
Crimes identified by the police per 1 thousand residents 30.7 31.1 23.8 27.8 36.1
Rate of detection of perpetrators of crimes identified by the police – in total 47.9 58.0 44.1 43.1 42.7
Source: Polish Central Statistical Office