In 2017, Smart City solutions were implemented and developed in the various areas of the city’s development.

Resource sharing system

In 2017 in Poznań, as part of the municipal system of municipal infrastructure resource sharing, 4 commercial vehicle sharing systems were launched:

  • Traficar, Click2Go and Easyshare car-sharing systems (initially 250 cars, including 100 hybrid ones)
  • Blinkee scooter-sharing system (initially 15 electric scooters).

Vehicle rental takes place through dedicated mobile applications.

The “Poznański Rower Miejski” bike-sharing system, co-financed by the City, developed, to offer at the end of 2017 as many as 987 bicycles. Modern intelligent technological solutions were also deployed.

Intelligent transport solutions

Along the Poznań Fast Tram route, 21 modern Passenger Information Displays, integrated with the Poznań ITS, were launched.

A backup data centre was created in the PEKA system, which allowed for providing open data regarding the public transport timetable and free parking spaces.

In 2017, the 1st Hackathon Allegro Tech Days on applications for city bikers took place in Poznań.

As part of the cooperation between the City of Poznań and Google Inc. the Transit service was launched on the Google map, which allows for setting the travel route by the city and suburban public transport on the map of Poznań and its surroundings. The service is available on desktops and mobile devices, at, and makes it possible to choose preferred means of public transport and the way of travelling.

Municipal projects

Work continued on the implementation of the EU “Digitalisation and Modernisation of the Geodetic and Cartographic Resources of the City of Poznań and Launching e-Services” project, which aims to improve the availability, quality and use of urban spatial data, including the launch of the 3D Digital Spatial Model of the City of Poznań, which will be made available on the Internet.

As part of the EU “Social services for the residents of Poznań” project, an innovative Telecare Centre system, based on integrated modern IT solutions creating a telecare and telemedicine system, was implemented. In 2017, the telecare system included 250 lonely, elderly and ill people.

The City of Poznań ran a free joint work space “+ jeden” (+ one), from which over 4.1 thousand people benefited throughout the year.

In 2017, the implementation of the new Municipal Information System, covering all information areas in the urban space, was launched.

Smart Grids

Poznań-based ENEA Operator Sp. z o.o. cooperates with European Distribution System Operators for Smart Grids (EDSO) in the area of information exchange as well as standardisation and implementation of technologies related to smart metering and smart grids.

Mobile applications and online services

Internet users could use city mobile applications and online services as well as commercial applications using open city data, such as:

  • Adresy Poznania (Poznań addresses)
  • Atmosfera dla Poznania
  • FindPark (application launched in 2018)
  • Ginger
  • GPSwielkopolska
  • Interwencje – Poznań (interventions in Poznań)
  • Kiedy Pojadę – PEKA
  • MoBilet
  • Mobilny Poznań (mobile Poznań)
  • myMPK
  • Nextbike
  • Piękne Kościoły w Poznaniu (beautiful churches in Poznań)
  • Poznań Airport Guide
  • Poznań Maraton (Poznań marathon)
  • Poznań New
  • Poznań w Pigułce (Poznań in a nutshell)
  • Poznań – Wiadomości i Czasopisma (Poznań – news and magazines)
  • Przewodnik po Poznaniu (guide to Poznań)
  • Sakralny Poznań (sacred Poznań)
  • SkyCash
  • SmartZOO
  • System Informacji Przestrzennej (spatial information system)
  • System Nabór (recruitment system)
  • Cyfrowe Repozytorium Lokalne Poznań CYRYL (local digital repository)
  • Elektroniczna Giełda Podręczników (electronic schoolbook exchange)
  • Elektroniczna Giełda Pracy dla Pracowników Oświaty (electronic job market for education workers)
  • Elektroniczna Giełda Pracy dla Niań (electronic job market for babysitters)
  • Elektroniczna Wyszukiwarka Cmentarna (electronic cemetery search)
  • !Ostrzegator (warnings).

Participants in major municipal events could use mobile applications dedicated to them. Work continued on the launch of the innovative website (a project launched in February 2018), which is an interactive platform for social participation.

Awards and distinctions

In the 2017 Smart City competition, Poznań Supercomputing and Networking Centre was awarded in the Smart City Solution category for the implementation of the electronic information and service “Miejski Informator Multimedialny” (city multimedia guide) platform of the Poznań City Hall. In March 2018, the City of Poznań was distinguished for its smart solutions improving communication with residents. In 2017, the City of Poznań was awarded also the title of the Local Government Pearl of the Internet and a distinction for work for the digitisation of Poland as part of the government “Od Polski Papierowej do Cyfrowej” programme (aimed at popularisation of digital technology).

In July 2017, the 1st Hackathon Allegro Tech Days took place in Poznań, during which 14 teams developed, for 24 hours, prototypes of applications for cyclists. Within a year, a dedicated bicycle website will be created under the auspices of Allegro Tech and the Allegro All For Planet Foundation, whose functionality will be built during a series of subsequent 24-hour programming marathons.
