In 2017, the Poznań register of historic buildings and monuments included 697 immovable and movable items.

Registered historic buildings and monuments

In 2017, three objects with special values for cultural heritage were entered into the register of historic buildings and monuments located in Poznań.

Historic buildings and monuments registered in 2017
List of historic buildings and monuments registered in 2017 Monument type (movable/immovable) Reason
Zespół Elektrociepłowni Poznańskiej EC I (Poznań CHP Complex), Ostrów Tumski immovable A unique example of industrial architecture of the interwar period in Poland. Testimony of the development of technical thought from 1929 to the end of the 20th century
The décor of the Art Nouveau tenement in 69 Święty Marcin Street (the stucco decoration of the façade and the ceiling of the entrance hall, the metalwork of the gate and balconies, the window joinery and metalwork, the joinery of the flat entrance doors, the joinery and metalwork of the stairway balustrades, the sgraffito of the courtyard façade, the cast iron sconces and the metalwork of the boundary wall) mobile Particularly valuable example of Art Nouveau decor of the tenement house created with the use of various materials and techniques.
Technical equipment of the Municipal Power Plant (currently: Garbary CHP), building No. 1 – engine room (2 turbogenerators, bridge crane, control room), building No. 2 – old boiler room (drum-type boiler), building No. 6 – switching station (2 energy cells), building No. 7 – new cooling water treatment plant (2 mechanical filters, wedge gate, pump unit, bridge crane), building No. 16 – raw water pumping station (bridge crane, pressure filter), building no. 25 – movable bridge crane mobile Unique, in terms of functional diversity, technological equipment. An example of innovative technological and economic initiatives of the Second Polish Republic.
Source: Poznań City Hall

Protection and preservation of historic buildings and monuments

In 2017, the Office of the Municipal Historic Preservation Officer carried out the following tasks in the area of protection and preservation of historic buildings and monuments:

  • work on the creation of the “Old Town Cultural Park” in Poznań – the park is to protect the cultural landscape of the Old Town along with historic buildings and monuments characteristic of the location layout, which will also contribute to improving the aesthetics of the public space of the Old Town complex (Resolution No. XXVI/370/VII/2016 of the Poznań City Council of 15 March 2016)
  • implementation of a long-term programme for renovation of historic municipal tenement houses in the Old Town and the Centre – in 2017, the renovation of tenements at 8/9 Kantaka Street and 45 Ratajczaka Street was completed; the cost of the renovation was covered in total from the budget of the City of Poznań; PLN 2.3 million was spent in 2017
  • restoration of the Shrine of the Divine Passion at 4 Bydgoska Street (cost: PLN 33.5 thousand), the Shrine of the Virgin Mary at 32 Główna Street (cost: PLN 15 thousand) and the vaults of the Small Art Nouveau Hall in the building of the Poznań City Hall at 17 Kolegiacki Square (cost: PLN 66.4 thousand)
  • archaeological research in Kolegiacki Square in connection with the planned renewal; as a result of the research, the remains of gothic walls were uncovered, and numerous burials and movable monuments dating from the Middle Ages to modern times were registered; the research will continue in 2018.
    Besides the above projects, the Office of the Municipal Historic Preservation Officer annually grants subsidies to private entities for repairs and renovation of historic buildings in order to improve the situation as regards preservation of the cultural heritage of the city of Poznań. The amount allocated for this purpose is systematically increased (PLN 2 million in 2017).
Major repair and renovation projects co-financed by the City
Repaired or restored building Works carried out Amount of subsidies granted by the City (in PLN)
Tenement houses at 6/7 Roosevelta Street and 2 Krasińskiego Street repair and maintenance of the roof 320
Bernardine church at 22 Garbary Street maintenance of the southern tower façade 200
Residential house – a villa at 241 Bukowska 241 Street (Edwardowo) maintenance of the façade of the building along with stucco details, repair of the roof 128
Post-Dominican monastery, currently: Society of Jesus monastery at 18 Szewska Street maintenance of the northern façade of the southern wing of the cloisters 120
Tenement house at 34 Niegolewskich Street maintenance of the front façade and stucco and wooden elements 110
Building at 27 Libelta Street renovation of façade decoration elements 100
Psalter at 9 Ostrów Tumski Street repair and maintenance of the façade 100
Villa at 15 Limanowskiego Street maintenance of the staircase decor 90
Tenement houses at: 4, 5, 6/7 Roosevelta Street, 1, 2, 3 Krasińskiego Street and 2 Zacisze Street restoration and maintenance of the balconies 90
Tenement houses at 4, 6/7 Street maintenance of the stained glass windows in the staircases 90
Source: Poznań City Hall

Furthermore, under the supervision of the Municipal Historic Preservation Officer a great deal of renovation and maintenance works were carried out in the city, concerning e.g.:

  • tenement houses (e.g. in the following streets: Bydgoska, Wierzbięcice, Grottgera, Matejki, Staszica, 23 Lutego)
  • school buildings (e.g. primary schools in Garbary and Prądzyńskiego Streets, secondary schools in Strzelecka and Berwińskiego Streets)
  • in public buildings (e.g. Centrum Kultury Zamek, Collegium Maius of the A. Mickiewicz University, Clinical Hospital in Przybyszewskiego Street)
  • and the complex of Prussian fortifications (Railway Caponier, Citadel, Forts II, VII, IX).

Publications of the Office of the Municipal Historic Preservation Officer

In 2017, the Office of the Municipal Historic Preservation Officer prepared several thematic publications, e.g.:

  • “Stare Miasto w Poznaniu. Zniszczenia – Odbudowa – Konserwacja 1945-2016”, (Old Town in Poznań. Destruction – Reconstruction – Preservation 1945-2016) ed. by I. Błaszczyk; Part 1 H. Kondziela, Part 2 I. Błaszczyk, A. Dolczewska, J. Domek-Nogalska, J. Figuła-Czech, J. Gołdych-Pawłowska, A. Jakubowska, H. Kondziela, Poznań 2017
  • “Plac Bernardyński”, H. Hałas-Rakowska, Kronika Miasta Poznania 2017 nr 3 „Wielkie Garbary”
  • “Zabytkowe windy w Poznaniu – zarys historii i problematyka konserwatorska”, (Historic elevators in Poznań – an outline of their history and preservation issues) K. Pietrzak, Wielkopolski Biuletyn Konserwatorski VII/2017.