Poznań City Hall’s archive


Residents of the City of Poznań, struggling with various types of life difficulties, can receive the institutional support offered aimed at supporting families.

Institutional social assistance

In 2017, support for people in a difficult situation was provided by social assistance institutions run or co-financed by the City of Poznań under multi-annual or annual contracts or small grants. They include:

  • assistance centres – the Municipal Family Support Centre (MOPR), the Poznań Benefits Centre (PCŚ), the Centre for Senior Citizens Initiatives (CentrumIS), the Centre for Family Initiatives (CIR),
  • Municipal Crisis Intervention Centre – provided a short-term shelter at the Crisis Intervention Hostel, the “Drugi Dom” Hostel, the Specialist Support Centre for Victims of Violence, the Community Integration Flat, and run the Crisis Intervention Point, the Helpline, the Helpline for Addicts and their Families, and so-called “Blue Line,”
  • residential care – 4 municipal units at: ul. Bukowska, u. Konarskiego (with a branch at ul. Zamenhoffa), ul. Niedziałkowskiego and ul. Ugory, and three public units run by organisations at: ul. Pokrzywno, ul. Sielska and ul. Św. Rocha,
  • day care centres – a municipal Complex of Day Social Assistance Centres with 5 branches: Branch No. 1 “Klub Centrum,” Branch No. 2 “Klub Ogrody,” Branch No. 3 “Klub Promień,” Branch No. 4 “Klub Starówka,” Branch No. 5 “Klub Winogrady,” and Day Care Centre “Słoneczna Przystań” run by the Polish Committee of Social Welfare; in total, 420 people were provided with their help,
  • self-help community centre – 9 branches run by associations; they helped 386 people with intellectual disabilities or in a mental crisis,
  • Day Adaptation Centre – took care of 35 children and young people with mental disabilities,
  • centres for homeless people,
  • care and educational institutions – 9 municipal institutions, i.e. care and education facility in the “Swoboda” Family Support Centre, Children’s Home No. 2, Children’s Home No. 3, and 6 family homes, and 4 contracted by the City, i.e. 2 socialisation centres: the Blessed Maria Karłowska Care and Educational House for girls and the “Jurek” Children’s Shelter, 2 multifunctional facilities: the Blessed Laura Vicuna Youth House and the St. Dominik Savio Youth House; these institutions jointly provided twenty-four-hour care and education to 189 children and teenagers,
  • day care facilities for children, young people and parents – a municipal organisational unit Day Adaptation Centre No. 1 and 20 facilities (recreation centres, clubs, etc.) run by other entities; support of these institutions covered 543 people.

Activities of entities belonging to the Municipal Crisis Intervention Centre:

• Number of people who stayed at the Crisis Intervention Hostel – 81
• Number of applications received by the Crisis Intervention Point – 3.3 thousand
• Number of applications received by the Helpline – 1.3 thousand
• Number of advice given by phone by psychologists and attorneys during duty hours of the Helpline for Addicts and their Families – 722
• Number of places in the Community Integration Flat – 6
• Number of people who took shelter at the “Drugi Dom” Hostel – 31
• Number of people who took shelter in the Specialist Support Centre for Victims of Domestic Violence – 64
• Number of advice provided as part of the “Blue Line” duty – 130


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