Poznań City Hall’s archive


In Poznań, the demographic ageing rate was 19.8%. Similarly to other large Polish cities, the population ageing is intensifying in the city.

Senior policy

In 2017, the Poznań City Council adopted the “Senior Policy Programme for 2017-2021.” Its implementation is to contribute to making Poznań more and more ageing-friendly city, where seniors will be able to develop their needs and aspirations, and meet their needs. The objectives of the Policy include, inter alia:

  • creating conditions for development and life of seniors through actions in the area of:
    • social participation,
    • intergenerational integration,
    • respect and social inclusion,
    • civic participation and employment,
    • communication and information,
    • social services and health services;
  • strengthening the potential of the elderly and using their potential and experience, and partnership.

Measures which are to be implemented as part of the Policy include:

  • increase in accessibility of public space,
  • development of friendly transport and housing dedicated to seniors,
  • development and improvement of the quality of public services, including health care, social assistance, education and access to information,
  • creation of conditions for social and civic participation and employment,
  • shaping a positive image of old age in social awareness.

One of the main measures planned to be implemented in the programme is the construction of the Senior Care Centre and the Palliative Care Centre in Winogrady, one of the most modern facilities of this type. The senior policy of the City of Poznań includes the support of institutions in conducting activities for the seniors, as well as in the organisation of cultural, sports and recreational and tourist events addressed to the elderly.

Senior Citizens City Council

Seniors of Poznań have an impact on the shape of the City’s senior policy thanks to the Senior Citizens City Council functioning since 2007, which is a consultative and advisory body. The council was established for an indefinite period, with terms of office, and is composed of 15 people over the age of 60. The activity of the council covers six main areas:

  • preventing and overcoming the marginalisation of seniors,
  • supporting the activity of older people,
  • housing for seniors,
  • preventing and promoting seniors’ health,
  • overcoming stereotypes about seniors and old age, and building their authority,
  • developing leisure activities, access to education and culture.

Centre for Senior Citizens Initiatives

The Centre for Senior Citizens Initiatives (CIS) has been operating in Poznań since its establishment at the initiative of the City Council of Seniors in 2010. The CIS works for the activation of seniors and has an informative function through the 60+ Information Point as well as a self-help function thanks to the Poznań 60+ Volunteering project. The projects carried out by the CIS in 2017 included, among others:

  • the campaign “We love eating! Acquire a taste for health,”
  • co-implementation of the project “Recipe for Wielkopolska social innovation,”
  • continuation of work on the draft “Senior Policy for the City of Poznań for 2017-2021,”
  • continuation of the “Poznań box of life” project,
  • publication of the “Poznań Senior’s Guide,”
  • preparatory work for the introduction of the “Poznań Senior Card – Poznań Gold Card,”
  • carrying out the project “Creating support groups for people with obesity,”
  • running the project of a senior animator,
  • cooperation with seniors, non-governmental organisations and authorities of the City in order to hold consultation and counselling on issues related to the functioning of seniors in Poznań,
  • conducting information and promotional activities consisting in updating the website, Facebook fanpage, cooperation with local TV stations and the press, printing promotional materials on the functioning of the CIS and upcoming events, e.g. “Senioralni. Poznań.”

In 2017, the Centre for Senior Citizens Initiatives cooperated with many entities operating for seniors. In Poznań, their number exceeds 100 (52 clubs and 62 organisations), and increased by 4 clubs and 1 organisation during the year. The CIS cooperated in the organisation of:

  • the “Senior in the Form” campaign, under the auspices of the Poznań University of Physical Education, the aim of which was to emphasise the importance of sporting activity in the lives of seniors and which was addressed to the elderly, but also to the organisers of recreational activities,
  • “Poznań Academy of Safety” conducted together with the Poznań City Hall and the Municipal Police Headquarters in Poznań in order to sensitise the elderly to the methods of fraud and explain how to defend yourself against them, and what to do when a crime occurs,
  • the 8th edition of the “VIVA SENIORZY!” Fair, in cooperation with the Local Government of the Wielkopolska Province and the Poznań International Fair, which attracted about 100 entities (NGOs, senior clubs, universities of the third age, companies), and 25 workshops which attracted 350 participants, in total within 2 days the event was visited by nearly 3 thousand people,
  • the 7th edition of “Senioralni. Poznań,” educational and information events for seniors held throughout the month: 15 development workshops (about 200 participants), open lectures in cooperation with universities of Poznań (about 150 participants), cooperation with 70 organisations, which organised nearly 220 events of different type, including demonstration classes and open days,
  • “Senior-Friendly Place” campaign which was aimed at the promotion of public places, cultural institutions and restaurants open to the needs of seniors, adapted to their expectations and possible constraints, as well as offering discounts for seniors.

In 2017, the CIS undertook actions activating seniors, such as:

  • meetings within the Poznań Senior Clubs Forum,
  • Sports Games of Seniors, co-organised with the Poznań Sports and Recreation Centres,
  • organisation of the Seniors’ Championships of Poznań in swimming,
  • cooperation with the Association CREO Centre for the Promotion of Social Initiatives,
  • Bookcrossing in the CIS,
  • cooperation with the “Klanza” Polish Association of Educators and Animators,
  • participation in the Review of Artistic Activity of Seniors,
  • establishing cooperation with the Raczyński Library.

Seniors of Poznań can benefit from a wide range of activities carried out by the 50+ Volunteering Centre, as well as engage in numerous undertakings as volunteers. There are 4 types of voluntary service for seniors in Poznań:

  • photographic, thanks to which seniors can present manifestations of their own artistic activity,
  • information, aimed at finding a place in every district of the city where the CIS information point could function,
  • Poznań 60+ Volunteering, mediating in the organisation of voluntary service in NGOs in Poznań,
  • action volunteering, bringing together people willing to help in the organisation of events for seniors.

Seniors in Poznań can receive psychological and legal counselling. In 2017, psychologists had duty hours every week, while a self-help group operating in the counselling centre met once a month. The psychological counselling gave advice to 45 people during 34 duties, and the self-help group conducted 8 meetings. More than 45 people were provided with legal counselling during 24 duties, which took place twice a month.

Senior projects

Seniors clubs play a major role in the activation and integration of seniors. In 2017, there were 42 institutions of this type offering a wide range of sport, cultural, recreational and educational activities for the elderly in Poznań. Many clubs offered various types of self-help or support groups. An important item in the activities of senior clubs were also occasional events.
In addition to the senior clubs, in 2017, many other entities operated in Poznań and conducted numerous activities for the elderly, including:

  • “Handyman for Senior” – run by the Polish Medicine Association,
  • “Golden Autumn 2017” – Forma+ Association,
  • “Helping Hand” – “Little Brothers of the Poor” Association,
  • “Let’s get to know each other – you’re not alone 2017” – Polish Committee of Social Welfare,
  • “Senior na Piątkę” – “Senior Active” Foundation,
  • dance therapy – Polish Association of Pensioners and Disabled Persons of the District Board with seat in Poznań,
  • organisation of Nordic walking for senior citizens from Chartowo – “AMIKUS” Association of People with Disabilities and their Families
  • 10th Polish Senior Road Race – Automobilklub Wielkopolski,
  • “Taxi for Senior” – Polish Medicine Association.

Social consultations for seniors

The City of Poznań also undertakes many other activities for seniors. In 2017, a weekly consultation cycle was held to diagnose the needs and expectations of seniors in several major areas, including management of public space (including transport) and its adaptation to the needs of the elderly, social participation and housing. The consultations were also attended by representatives of NGOs and public institutions acting for seniors in Poznań. Consultations and focus workshops were carried out in cooperation with the Poznań City Hall. The results of these activities were used during work on the assumptions of urban senior policy.
In September 2017, the residents of Poznań could also participate in public consultations on the draft resolution of the City Council regarding the “Senior Policy of the City of Poznań for 2017-2021.”

Senior Gold Card

The resolution of the City Council of 5 December 2017 formulated rules for granting the Senior Card – Senior Gold Card for which persons over the age of 60, paying taxes in Poznań, may apply in the Poznań Benefits Centre since March 2018. The Senior Card gives reductions and discounts on services and products offered by project partners.
