na zdjęciu widać salę szpitalnąPoznań City Hall’s archive, photo. M. Nowaczyk


In 2017, outpatient health services were provided by 1,057 health care entities having contracts with the National Health Fund (NHF). Preparatory work for the implementation of the Electronic Medical Documentation in order to improve the quality of health care was continued.

Contracts with the NHF

Under contracts with the National Health Fund (NHF), in 2017 in Poznań, 1,057 health care entities provided outpatient health services to the residents. 117 facilities provided help of a family doctor, 135 entities provided dental services, and 115 facilities employed community and family nurses as well as community and family midwives. Compared to 2016, the number of entities providing nursing services in the teaching community increased (from 18 to 21).


The Poznań Centre for Specialist Medical Services (POSUM) at Al. Solidarności, being a unit of the City of Poznań, in 2017, provided services in the field of outpatient care, rehabilitation, diagnostics, occupational medicine and disease prevention. The most important investments carried out on the area of the POSUM in 2017 include:

  • modernisation works related to the adaptation and opening of the Day Centre for the Rehabilitation of Hearing and Speech of Children and Youth,
  • extension of medical gas installations,
  • modernisation of monitoring,
  • change of the metering system of main supplies,
  • purchase of a vehicle for medical transport and rehabilitation equipment.

The task entrusted to the POSUM is to create a modern Senior Medicine Centre and Hospice with children’s ward. Construction of the building, whose design was produced in 2017, is to start in 2018. The facility will be located at. os. Przyjaźni, in the immediate vicinity of the POSUM.

The POSUM was the first in the Hippocrates of Wielkopolska plebiscite in two categories: the Most Friendly Health Care Institution in Poznań and the Most Friendly Health Care Institution in Wielkopolska. The plebiscite was organised by the editorial staff of Głos Wielkopolski.

Hospital care base

In 2017, 20 hospitals were functioning in Poznań, which included:

  • 2 city hospitals,
  • 5 hospitals managed by the Wielkopolska Province (at: ul. Juraszów, ul. Garbary, ul. Szamarzewskiego, u. Krysiewicza, u. Sanatoryjna),
  • 5 clinical hospitals of K. Marcinkowski University of Medical Sciences in Poznań (at: ul. Długa, ul. Przybyszewskiego, ul. Polna, ul. 28 Czerwca 1956 and ul. Szpitalna),
  • private hospitals (commercial law companies), including: HCP Medical Centre (at ul. 28 Czerwca 1956), Certus Private Clinic Hospital No. 1, Medica Celsus Hospital and Health Centre, Grunwaldzka Clinic, Promienista Clinic, MedPolonia, Pro Bono Clinic, Rehasport Clinic, St. Adalbert’s Hospital, and St. George Ophthalmological Centre .

Independent public health care institutions for which the founding body is the City of Poznań, providing inpatient medical services, include:

  • F. Raszeja City Hospital at ul. Mickiewicza,
  • J. Struś Multispecialty City Hospital with the Care and Treatment Institute at ul. Szwajcarska ,
  • Institute of Care and Treatment and Medical Rehabilitation at ul. Mogileńska.

These institutions provided medical services under contracts with the NFZ. In 2017, they provided a total of over 800 beds and hospitalised 85.8 thousand patients. They employed a total of approx. 2 thousand employees.

The 3rd European Internet Session “Laryngological Live Surgery” was organised in 2017 by the Otolaryngology and Laryngological Oncology Clinic of Department of Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery at the Poznań K. Marcinkowski University of Medical Sciences in cooperation with the Poznań Supercomputing and Networking Centre. 10 leading European clinics took part in live webcast, the session was additionally received all over the world. The event could take place thanks to the financial support of the City.

Investments in hospital facilities

In 2017, a number of activities were carried out in city facilities to improve the provision of health services for the residents of Poznań, including modernisation and purchase of equipment and supplies. The most important tasks ensuring the proper technical infrastructure in municipal facilities included:

J. Struś Multispecialty City Hospital
  • the concept for development of a new wing of the hospital was formulated,
  • project documentation regarding the extension of the Cardiological Day Rehabilitation Unit was prepared, funds were spent on the construction works and purchase of new equipment for the unit,
  • the telephone exchange in the hospital was replaced,
  • a new operating table for the Orthopaedics and Movement Traumatology Unit and a set for lumbar microdiscectomy were purchased,
  • an operating chair, mobile cardiomonitors, hospital beds, surgical instruments were purchased for the needs of the Orthopaedics and Movement Traumatology Unit,
  • various types of infusion pumps were purchased for several hospital units,
  • funds were spent on the purchase of equipment in the form of sets: NerveMonitor and Lucas, and an ultrasound machine for the needs of the Diagnostic Imaging Unit, C-arm for the X-ray machine was also purchased,
  • medical equipment for the Traumatic Centre was purchased.
F. Raszeja City Hospital:
  • funds were spent on construction works related to the reconstruction of the Gynaecological Unit, as well as purchase of equipment in the form of: anaesthesia device with a monitor, cardiomonitors, washer disinfector, ultrasonograph, operating tables, medical beds, a compact vision track, hysteroscopes and pumps,
  • a surgical gastroscope, operating lamps for the needs of the Main Operating Room and a set of sialendoscopy tools were purchased,
  • the Diabetology and Internal Diseases Unit was modernised,
  • funds were spent to replace the sewage system and to create a set of lavatories for the needs of patients of the Admission and Night Room and the Holiday Health Care.
Institute of Care and Treatment and Medical Rehabilitation:
  • funds were spent to develop project documentation regarding the addition of a new wing to the main building of the Institute at ul. Mogileńska,
  • funds were allocated for the construction of internal roads on the area of the facility,
  • modern equipment was purchased for patients’ rooms: rehabilitation beds with bedside tables, wardrobes and other rehabilitation equipment,
  • funds were spent on actions aimed at improving the quality of care for dependent persons, persons with mental disorders and intellectual disabilities in the Branch of the Institute in Owińska.

Investments in medical entities not supervised by the City:

Palium Hospice:
  • financial resources were planned for the preparation of the area and existing technical infrastructure for extension of the hospice, the deadline for the implementation of the task was changed to 2018.
K. Jonscher Clinical Hospital:
  • investment purchases of nanometres and electrograph with equipment, pH- meter with impedance-pH function, hydrogen-methane breath test, plethysmograph, colorimeter, gastroscope with side view, infant gastroscope and colonoscope, and a laryngological unit with equipment.

In the “2017 Ranking of Public Hospitals” assessing the effectiveness of management, in the category “Hospitals with NFZ contact over PLN 70 million,” hospitals from Poznań took the following places:
• 8. Wiktor Dega Orthopaedic and Rehabilitation Clinical Hospital of the K. Marcinkowski University of Medical Sciences in Poznań,
• 18. Gynaecologic and Obstetric Clinical Hospital of the K. Marcinkowski University of Medical Sciences in Poznań,
• 50. Specialised Complex of Health Care for Mother and Child,
• 53. Provincial Hospital in Poznań,
• 57. K. Jonscher Clinical Hospital of the K. Marcinkowski University of Medical Sciences,
• 79. J. Struś Multispecialty City Hospital with the Care and Treatment Institute in Poznań.

Chemists’ in Poznań
2000 2005 2010 2014 2015 2016 2016/2010 w % 
Number of pharmacies 157 216 251 259 282 299 190,4
Source: Polish Central Statistical Office


Outpatient clinics in Poznań
2000 2005 2010 2014 2015 2016 2016/2010 w % 
Number of outpatient clinics 142 249 341 462 484 526 370,4
Source: Polish Central Statistical Office


Chemists in the largest cities in Poland (2016)
Poznań Kraków Łódź Warsaw Wrocław
Number of pharmacies 299 310 308 653 290
Source: Polish Central Statistical Office


Outpatient clinics in large cities in Poland (2016)
Poznań Kraków Łódź Warsaw Wrocław
Number of outpatient clinics 526 658 679 1249 511
Source: Polish Central Statistical Office