Poznań City Hall’s archive


While the effectiveness of teaching in schools of Poznań measured by the results of final examinations does not differ from the national average, graduates of high schools and middle schools from Poznań perform well in comparison to the province.

The results of the middle school exam

In 2017, over 4.2 thousand pupils sat for the middle school exam and their average score obtained was 65.03 points, including:

  • Polish – 71.12 points,
  • mathematics – 53.44 points,
  • natural sciences – 58.08 points.

The best result was achieved by pupils of the Dąbrówka Bilingual Middle School in the General Education School Complex No. 10 in Poznań, where the average score of the exam was 89.36 points.

Results of the high-school exam

In 2017, in all sessions, 5,016 students sat for the high-school exam in Poznań. The average results of the written high-school exam at the basic level in the spring session were as follows:

  • Polish – 57.38 points,
  • English – 78.64 points,
  • German – 74.59 points,
  • mathematics – 55.88 points.

At the extended level, the examinees obtained the following results in individual subjects:

  • biology – 42.31 points,
  • chemistry – 47.52 points,
  • IT – 44.86 points,
  • English – 65.62 points,
  • German – 67.33 points,
  • Polish – 49.74 points,
  • mathematics – 39,43 points.

The best average scores from the extended high-school exam were obtained by students taking the exam in Italian and French.

Achievements of pupils

In 2017, 232 pupils from high schools and 72 pupils of primary schools of Poznań were laureates of subject contests at the provincial level.
In connection with special achievements, the Poznań City Council awarded 244 prizes to pupils. The awards were of financial nature and their total amount was PLN 200 thousand.
High schools from Poznań (General Zamoyski’s Wife and Helena Modrzejewska 2nd High School, Adam Mickiewicz 8th High School, Saint Mary Magdalene High School) were among the third and fourth ten of the nationwide “2017 Ranking of Olympic Schools” of the monthly Perspektywy. The number of laureates of contests from Poznań classifies the city in the 5th place among the largest Polish cities.

Programmes of extracurricular activities

Various extracurricular activities were carried out in the facilities run by the City of Poznań in 2017, covering a total of 174 projects in 162 schools.

Within the framework of competitions “Science, higher education, education, school system and upbringing” and “Activities for children and youth, including recreation for children and youth,” the City concluded 22 contracts, among others, for the organisation of:

  • preventive and psychoeducational classes including children with special educational needs,
  • classes to improve the competence of the teaching staff,
  • development of sports interests,
  • support for the organisation of recreation, in particular for children from families in a difficult financial situation,
  • supporting the education of extremely talented middle and high school students in the field of mathematics.