na zdjęciu widać młodzież jeżdżącą na rolkach i rowerach nad Maltą
Poznań City Hall’s, photo. B. Sudak


In 2017, the City of Poznań carried out preventive programmes and information campaigns on healthy lifestyle and promoted regular check-ups.

Disease prevention programmes

In 2017, the City of Poznań implemented the following disease prevention programmes:

  • “Seasonal influenza prevention programme for the residents of the city for 2016-2018.” The beneficiaries of the programme are the residents of Poznań from the age of 60 and wards of employees of selected municipal units and entities commissioned by the City of Poznań. In 2017, the programme covered 6 thousand people.
  • “Programme for the prevention of pneumococcal infections among children from Poznań for 2016-2017,” in which more than 1.1 thousand vaccine doses were given to 460 children between the age of 2 and 36 months, especially those who attend mass-stay institutions, i.e. nurseries, children’s clubs or city care and educational facilities.
  • “Programme for the prevention of infections caused by human papillomavirus (HPV), including cervical cancer, for 2016-2018.” The programme covered 1.2 thousand girls and boys, mainly in the age of thirteen, who were given a total of about 2.5 thousand doses of the vaccine.
  • “Infertility treatment using in vitro fertilisation method for the residents of Poznań in 2017-2020.” The programme is implemented in three medical entities located in Poznań. In 2017, the Poznań City Hall received 246 applications for the project, and eventually 232 pairs qualified.
  • “Creating support groups for people with obesity” under the National Health Programme for 2016-2020. As part of the project, three support groups were created in the age groups: 18-28, 29-49 and 50-65. Participation in the project was free, and recipients were residents of Poznań with a diagnosis of obesity confirmed by a doctor, i.e. with a value of the BMI amounting to 30 and more. 35 people qualified for the project, while 32 people completed it.
  • “Prevention and early detection of neoplastic diseases, in particular dissemination of knowledge about risk factors and self-control.” As part of this task, activities covering over 30 thousand people were co-financed. Several different projects were implemented, for example: “Check yourself!,” “Twelve steps towards health, preventive campaign,” “We’ll defeat melanoma together.” As part of a wide promotion and prevention activities, about 30 thousand information leaflets were distributed.
  • “Prevention and early detection of cardiovascular diseases, in particular knowledge about risk factors.” As part of this project, educational workshops attended by 80 people were organised. The same number of people was examined for early identification of an increased risk of cardiovascular disease, while 50 people participated in consultations with a cardiologist and underwent a cardiological examination.
  • “Promotion of healthy eating” addressed to parents of pre-school children. The task was to increase knowledge about proper nutrition of children and consumer awareness influencing the selection of the right products and shaping healthy habits. Over 5 thousand educational materials were distributed among the beneficiaries. The project called “Talerzyk – promotion of the right nutrition rules among parents of pre-school children” was carried out as part of the task.
  • “Actions aimed at improving the quality of life and a sense of health safety for people in the age of 60+,” as part of which the following projects were implemented: “Fit senior – Fit for health” and “Diabetic retinopathy – I know more and I prevent.” In total, the task covered about 10 thousand people, 200 diabetics were examined for diabetic retinopathy, 40 people took part in educational activities and activation workshops for seniors, 15 women affected by breast cancer were subjected to lymphatic massages (altogether, more than 2.6 thousand massages were given).

Thanks to the financial support from the City budget, the project “Holistic geriatric care for Seniors of Poznań,” as part of which 60 people were subject to the Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment, was also implemented.

In addition, tasks related to prevention and health promotion were carried out under the so-called “small grants,” including “A woman free from fear – meetings of lecture and workshop groups for women with neurotic and anxiety disorders,” which 240 women benefited from, as well as educational activities in the field of cancer prevention. In total, over 1 thousand people benefited from aid and education programmes.

Programme addressed to chronically and terminally ill people

In 2017, the City of Poznań also implemented a programme addressed to chronically and terminally ill people “Home care for terminal patients and other forms of assistance for chronically and terminally ill.” Around 200 people benefited from the programme. As part of the programme:

  • the following projects were implemented: “A decent life of people with Alzheimer’s disease” and “Comprehensive anti-swelling therapy,”
  • 80 people received psychological and information support, as well as in the field of medical care, nursing and rehabilitation, including: home visits by a doctor, nurse and physiotherapist,
  • 25 people suffering from Alzheimer’s disease received comprehensive help as part of medical care,
  • 42 people were subject to rehabilitation as part of anti-swelling therapy,
  • 60 terminally ill people received help in the form of medical care, palliative care, nursing and psychological and social support.

Other pro-health projects

Other pro-health projects conducted in 2017 included:

  • creating, launching and running a helpline for oncologically ill patients and their families “Poznań Oncologic Helpline,” where about 300 people were covered by support,
  • “Information and psychological support for families and increasing the competence of staff in the situation of a serious developmental anomaly of a child in the perinatal period” and “Raising the competence of medical staff and families in the area of perinatal knowledge” – the total number of people covered by the activities is 12 thousand, including approx. 2 thousand who were given the opportunity to learn about problems related to perinatal care, 120 people, including medical staff, underwent e-learning training in perinatology; an information campaign in the media aimed at increasing public awareness of problems of families affected by severe developmental anomaly/lethal disease of a child in the perinatal period was organised.