Health care and social assistance
Hospitals and pharmacies
Number of beds in general hospitals 358 x x
Number of pharmacies 299 x x
Social assistance
The number of people in families benefiting from social assistance in total, including due to: 24 635 22 380 90,8
long term or serious illness 11 497 11 333 98,6
poverty 9 540 8 530 89,4
unemployment 5 983 4 274 71,4
disability 5 894 5 764 97,8
learned helplessness 5 497 4 904 89,2
need for maternity protection 2 963 2 455 82,9
homelessness 1 324 1 376 103,9
violence in the family 957 4 106 429,0
alcoholism 701 645 92,0
The number of pensioners in social welfare homes (including subsidiaries, as at 31.12), of which in institutions for: 664 687 103,5
children and young people with intellectual disabilities 59 60 101,7
elderly and the physically disabled people 134 136 101,5
chronically somatically ill 343 345 100,6
Value of social assistance benefits implemented as part of municipal tasks (own and commissioned) in PLN million 79,1 315,3 398,8
Source: Poznań City Hall