In 2017, the assumptions of 219 approved and binding local zoning plans covered 11.7 thousand ha, i.e. 45% of the total area of the city.

Local zoning plans

Local plans are spatial policy documents – local laws containing prohibitions, orders and permits for land development. In 2017, 18 local zoning plans (LZPs) were adopted in Poznań, covering a total area of 479.9 ha, which constitutes approximately 2% of the area of Poznań.

Local zoning plans adopted in Poznań in 2017
No Name of local zoning plan Area covered in ha
1. LZP for the area in the vicinity of ul. Nałęczowska in Poznań 0.2
2. LZP “Osiedle Stefana Batorego – część   południowa” in Poznań 32.2
3. LZP for the area in the vicinity of ul. E. Taczanowskiego in Poznań 1.5
4. LZP for the area in the vicinity of ul. W. Engestroma in Poznań 0.4
5. LZP “Junikowo Północ” in Poznań 98.4
6. LZP for the area of ul. Bursztynowa and ul. Łagodna in Poznań – north part 4.6
7. LZP “Paderewskiego – Szkolna” in Poznań 0.04
8. LZP for the area “Morasko-Radojewo-Umultowo” – Umultowskie lake part 90.0
9. LZP “Osiedle Czecha” – part A in Poznań 41.6
10. LZP “Rejon ulic Zbyłowita i Leszka” in Poznań 2.3
11. LZP “Rejon ul. F. Skarbka” in Poznań 0.1
12. LZP for the area of the cemetery at ul. Nowina in Poznań 5.7
13. LZP for the area in the vicinity of ul. Szczecińska in Poznań 0.8
14. LZP “Junikowo – Południe” in Poznań 105.6
15. LZP “Strefa przemysłowa przy ulicy Bałtyckiej” in Poznań 24.4
16. LZP for the “Śródka” area 30.5
17. LZP “Jeżyce – Północ” – part B in Poznań 9.9
18. LZP “W rejonie ulicy Dolna Wilda” in Poznań 316
Source: Miejska Pracowania Urbanistyczna


In 2017, the development of 15 local zoning plans covering an area of 365.6 ha was launched, which constitutes 1.4% of the area of Poznań.

At the end of December 2017, 18.7 thousand ha, i.e. 71% of the city area, were covered by the local zoning plans and the procedure of their development.

Geodatabase of the City of Poznań

Since 2012, the process of spatial planning in Poznań has been supported by the Geodatabase of the City of Poznań computer system. The elements of the Geodatabase include the data collection system containing the most important, from the perspective of spatial planning, information on the land’s designation and the manner of its development, and the Register of Local Zoning Plans.
The Geodatabase of the City of Poznań, through the creation of tools and procedures increasing the effectiveness and quality of work, enables the collection, processing, and visualization of spatial data. Based on the current update of the Geodatabase, the system allows to perform multifaceted spatial analyses in order to optimize the undertaken decisions.
Balance sheet of the areas on the basis of the assumptions of the developed and binding local zoning plans
and in areas where there is no local plan in force – the Land use conditions and directions of spatial development of the city of Poznań.

Balance sheet as on December 31, 2017.
Land use Area in ha % of city area  Area in ha % of city area
Single-family residential areas 3 519,50 13,4 6 761,30 25,8
Single-family or multi-family residential development areas 259,1 1
Single-family residential or commercial areas 678,8 2,6
Multi-family residential areas 1 062,10 4,1
Multi-family residential or commercial areas 1 016,10 3,9
Basic services development areas 225,7 0,9
Service development areas 1 345,70 5,1 2 786,00 10,6
Service or industrial development areas 1 336,10 5,1
Industrial development areas 104,3 0,4
Sports and recreation services areas 438,7 1,7 10 004,80 38,2
Green areas and inland waterways 9 566,10 36,5
Transportation and infrastructure areas 6 639,80 25,4 6 639,80 25,4
Source: Miejska Pracowania Urbanistyczna

Public consultations

A very important aspect in the preparation of the local zoning plans was the cooperation with residents, land owners, developers and other investors. In 2017, 36 meetings were organised as part of the first and second stages of non-legislative public consultations on draft local spatial development plans and 36 meetings as part of public discussions required by law.

Time of preparation of the local spatial development plan in Poznań:

  • the shortest is 1 year and 6 months
  • the average is 5 years and 11 months

Requests for drawing up or amending LZPs

In 2017, as part of the interest in the issues of spatial planning, 59 requests were submitted for drawing up or amending a local zoning plan – including 10 requests for drawing up, and 49 for amending a given zoning plan.

The main reasons for requesting for the plan involve the need for an act of local law, which comprehensively regulates the principles of land development and use. An important reason for introducing changes to local zoning plans was the need to change the land use.
