In January 2017, the Development Strategy for the City of Poznań 2020+ was adopted.

Strategic vision

The vision presented in the Development Strategy for the City of Poznań 2020+ outlines the desired image of the city in all significant dimensions of its development and reads as follows: “Poznań in 2030 is a multi-generational community of people living in a green, friendly, and well-connected residential estates. Its residents – enterprising and socially engaged, realizing their dreams and aspirations – are satisfied with the living conditions the city provides, and they are proud that the city is well-known in the country and abroad thanks to its historical and cultural heritage and academic character, and modern, unique achievements. The favourable business climate and the social coherence policy enable all the residents to fully engage in the city life.”

Strategic priorities

The Development Strategy for the City of Poznań 2020+ has been developed in line with the methodology for creating development programmes. The document sets out 5 priorities for the development of Poznań as a metropolitan centre. These priorities, which synthesise the needs and expectations of Poznań’s residents, relate to various aspects of the city’s functioning and the quality of life of its inhabitants. These include:

  • A strong Metropolis (develop the cohesion of the Poznań Metropolis and increase its role on the international arena by developing institutional and economic links in regional, national and global networks)
  • Modern entrepreneurship (develop a diversified, strong and modern economy in Poznań)
  • A green, mobile city (make Poznań a “green”, eco-mobile city with easily accessible green areas and environmentally-friendly, sustainable transport)
  • Friendly housing estates (ensure high quality of life for the residents in housing estates, each possessing their own unique character)
  • Community and social dialogue (creating new and developing existing mechanisms, forms of support and activities enabling the residents to make responsible decisions on the development of the city)

More precise areas of the City’s activity, sorted into directions of intervention (36), are a detailed priority, which in turn is additionally divided into strategic measures (163). It is a list of guidelines for further activities of local authorities and institutions influencing the development of Poznań.
All activities of the City in this respect should be subordinated to the values set out in the Strategy’s mission, i.e.:

  • openness – freedom of thought and action, starting with self-awareness and truth and striving to create an honest community
  • co-responsibility – at the heart of openness; it is a shared commitment and responsibility for the weaker, the excluded
  • co-creation – joint creation of the City must be based on mutual trust, dialogue, creativity, and constant endeavour for improvement.

Key strategic tasks

The main implementation elements of the Strategy are the so-called “key tasks”. A set of 55 such tasks was developed on the basis of numerous proposals submitted by the departments of the Poznań City Hall, organisational units and companies in which the City of Poznań holds shares. These tasks are predominantly large-scale and require the involvement of a wide range of actors and entities.

Strong Metropolis

This priority plays an important role in shaping the metropolitan functions of Poznań. In the long-term perspective, it envisages, among others, the improvement of transport accessibility of the Poznań Metropolis through the integration of transport systems in all the communes of the Metropolis, including the completion of large construction projects, such as:

  • expansion of the Ławica airport
  • construction of interchanges
  • development of the city’s transport system of supra-local importance
  • supporting the construction of a metropolitan and high-speed rail.

From the catalogue of key tasks for the implementation of this most important priority of the Strategy, in 2017, the following activities were launched:

  • work on the development of the metropolitan railway system, including interchanges and rail stops. The City of Poznań is responsible in particular for the part concerning the organisation of bus and tram transport and the construction of Park&Ride car parks.
  • conceptual work on the construction of the “Grunwaldzka” transport junction (a project carried out together with the Komorniki commune, at the Poznań Junikowo railway station) and the “Strzeszyn” interchange at the railway station of the same name
  • reconstruction of the Poznań Garbary railway station building and preparations for the development of a concept for the reconstruction of the Poznań railway junction involving, among others, the construction of a third track between Poznań Główny and Poznań Wschód stations, which would significantly improve railway traffic in the agglomeration (tasks attributed to PKP SA)
  • the Poznań Metropolitan Railway project, with agreements on joint financing of the project being concluded between the communes of the Poznań Metropolis and the Marshal’s Office. The launch of this project is planned for the end of 2018.

The city of Poznań is also carrying out numerous projects involved with remodelling the transport system of supra-local importance, such as:

  • improvement of the transport system at the Rataje roundabout
  • reconstruction of national road no 92 (ul. Lutycka with the Koszalińska junction)
  • extension of ul. Gdyńska to the Central Sewage Treatment Plant located in the Czerwonak commune
  • redevelopment of the Lech Bridge.

An important task on a metropolitan scale is the development of the Wolne Tory area. In 2017, the City and PKP Polskie Linie Kolejowe S.A., the owner of the majority of the area, were in talks about land use proposals. This area is to become an important service, residential and communication centre of the city and the entire metropolis.

In line with the Strategy, Poznań is to become an increasingly strong sports, cultural, trade fair and conference centre, recognizable all over the world. By starting to focus on the development of culture, the City has initiated:

  • conceptual work on the creation of a new seat for the Musical Theatre and the Wielkopolska Independence Museum
  • work on renovating urban fortifications
  • the project “Tu się wszystko zaczęło”
  • the project Centrum Szyfrów “Enigma” at ul. Święty Marcin
  • works on the creation of a cultural park in Poznań

Improving the conditions for organising large trade fairs is an objective of investments carried out by the Poznań International Fair (MTP), consisting in improving the parking offer for visitors and increasing the exhibition space.

The planned handover of the Arena sports and entertainment hall to the MTP is expected to bring tangible benefits from the possibility of additional investment and organisation of major international events.

The City of Poznań will coordinate the development of international cultural, sporting and trade fair events, support international business ventures and create a platform for effective cooperation between science and business.

In 2017, 76 international fairs and exhibitions were organized, with 9.1 thousand exhibitors participating, including 1.6 thousand exhibitors from abroad. The fair was visited by 711.2 thousand people.

Support for higher education included, among others:

  • awarding small subsidies, grants, and scientific prizes
  • transfer of urban land to new university facilities.

The value of all key tasks affecting the “Strong Metropolis” priority in 2017 amounted to PLN 35.6 million from the City budget. In addition, funds of other partners were invested, including companies in which the City holds shares, as well as of institutions and external entities.

Modern entrepreneurship

The implementation of the “Modern entrepreneurship” priority assumes, among other things, support for the construction of infrastructure for projects that create new jobs, e.g.:

  • preparation of investment areas and facilities (development of land covered by the Kostrzyn-Słubice Special Economic Zone or extension of the Poznań Technology and Industry Park)
  • supporting local business activities, including startups and high-tech activities.

In 2017, Wielkopolskie Centrum Wspierania Inwestycji Sp. z o.o. implemented:

  • the project “Rozwój Poznańskiego Parku Technologiczno-Przemysłowego poprzez specjalistyczne usługi doradcze wspierające Instytucje Obsługi Biznesu oraz funkcjonalne włączenie Budynku 400 w struktury PPTP” (“Development of the Poznań Technology and Industrial Park through specialist consulting services supporting Business Service Institutions and functional incorporation of Building 400 into PPTP structures”)
  • the business incubator project
  • the “+jeden” Co-working Zone project, made available for innovative initiatives

As part of, among others, Integrated Territorial Investments, projects were implemented to improve the quality of teaching in Poznań’s vocational schools (industry schools), including the expansion of the Centre for Vocational and Continuing Education.

The opportunities offered by the Poznań International Fair are important for the local economy.MTP is a constantly developing platform for business cooperation, both in terms of space (large area) and organisation (comprehensive support), and ultimately – also a place where new startup-type activities are created, as well as a local centre for supporting various initiatives.

The total budgetary outlays of the City of Poznań on projects implemented under the “Modern entrepreneurship” priority amounted to PLN 10.7 million in 2017. Additionally, the activities of Międzynarodowe Targi Poznańskie Sp. z o.o. and Wielkopolskie Centrum Wspierania Inwestycji Sp. z o.o. played a significant role in its implementation.

Green, mobile city

This priority assumes improvement of transport traffic in the city by remodelling the main transport system, increasing the role of public and group transport as well as ecological transport in urban traffic. The City of Poznań systematically invests in the development of the transport system (construction and reconstruction of roads and tram lines, development of the cycling system and infrastructure and improvement of pedestrian traffic safety).

As part of the development of public transport, facilitations are used for buses (dedicated bus lanes) and other approved vehicles (“DOP”), which include, among others, privileged vehicles, taxis and sometimes vehicles with at least 3 persons (ul. Warszawska, ul. Mostowa, ul. Garbary, ul. Droga Dębińska) consisting in special, separate traffic lanes on the roadway.

In 2017, the City of Poznań received approval from the EU Transport Projects Centre for EU co-financing of projects for the construction of new tram routes:

  • connecting Naramowice with the city centre
  • along ul. Unii Lubelskiej
  • under the “Centrum II” programme along ul. Ratajczaka
  • redevelopment of roadways:
    • in Rataje (ul. Kórnicka – Lecha estate – Żegrze roundabout)
    • in Wilda (ul. Wierzbięcice and 28 Czerwca 1956 r.)
    • in Jeżyce (ul. Dąbrowskiego).
    • The “Poznań Rataje – Franowo” programme was also implemented to complete the reconstruction of Trasa Katowicka.

In 2017 a contract was signed between the Miejskie Przedsiębiorstwo Komunikacyjne Poznań Sp. z o.o. (MPK) and Modertrans Poznań Sp. z o.o. for delivery of 50 low-floor trams from the Moderus Gamma family.

MPK systematically invests in the purchase of new buses, including those with stringent emission standards, or electric buses (e.g. 15 buses to service traffic around the Rataje roundabout).

In 2017, the following projects were implemented:

  • further extension of the “Tempo 30” zone
  • construction of a Park&Ride car park at the “Szymanowskiego” bus stop
  • extension of the Paid Parking Zone
  • work on integrating transport systems within the framework of the Poznań Metropolis.

In 2017, the “Program Rowerowy Miasta Poznania na lata 2017-2022 z perspektywą do 2025 r.” (“Cycling Programme of the City of Poznań for the years 2017-2022 with a perspective to 2025”) was adopted, covering the expansion of the city’s cycling route network (it assumes the creation of a network of main roads, supplemented by connecting and access routes) together with accompanying infrastructure (e.g. city bike stations, bike repair stations).

The largest investment in urban green areas in 2017 was the commencement of the development of Rataje Park. In 2017 the Stare Koryto Warty Park was also completed.

In 2017, work was also carried out on land development along the Warta River, among others:

  • work on the extension of the “Wartostrada” pedestrian and bicycle route continued
  • old riverbed of the Warta River was developed
  • conceptual work was ongoing on:
    • a pedestrian and bicycle bridge connecting Berdychowo with Chwaliszew
    • modernisation of the Łazienki Rzeczne and Dzieciniec pod Słońcem, for which EU co-financing was granted.

In 2017, works were also carried out on, among others, development of the following lakes in Poznań: Rusałka, Strzeszyńskie and Kierskie (the Plażojada project) and cleaning watercourses.

The city, together with its partners (municipal companies, private investors), conducts numerous activities aimed at protecting the air, water, and soil. The Poznań local government undertakes activities, among others, supporting and eliminating low emission sources from individual households, and has also carried out activities aimed at improving the energy efficiency of urban infrastructure (e.g. thermal modernisation of municipal and educational facilities). The company Dalkia is carrying out significant works on the expansion of the municipal heating network, to which more and more customers are being connected. Within the City and the agglomeration, the company Aquanet regularly conducts large-scale works to expand the water supply and sewerage system (sewerage, connections, sanitary sewer, water supply network). In addition, the City, in cooperation with other local governments, is also making further investments in modernising its waste management system.

In 2017 the City carried out activities in the field of protecting and providing decent living conditions to free-living and homeless animals, among others:

  • works on a project involving the construction of a new shelter for animals
  • the extension of the Zoological Garden
  • further development of the Palm House.

A wide range of actors, including private ones, are involved in the implementation of this priority. The costs of project tasks within the priority incurred by the City of Poznań itself, estimated on the basis of the budget, amounted to PLN 258.1 million in 2017. At least as much can be attributed to other entities, including municipal companies or private entities.

Friendly estates

The priority aims to ensure high quality of life for the residents of Poznań’s housing estates, as well as to highlight the unique and unique nature of each of the districts. The implementation of these assumptions will mainly rely on:

  • creating conditions for the development of social activation
  • building local identity
  • support for grassroots initiatives stimulating the development of local cultural, sports, and recreation offerings and social services in housing estates, e.g. through co-financing of projects indicated by the residents themselves as important for the local neighbourhood community
  • making public space and public premises available for local social and cultural activities and initiatives, as well as those promoting healthy lifestyles and local crafts.

As part of its tasks under the law, the City of Poznań tries to provide local communities with unrestricted access to various types of public services and to shape the conditions for the development of commercial services (e.g. through appropriate spatial planning).

In 2017 within the framework of activities concerning education:

  • construction of new schools and kindergartens was continued in fast-growing housing estates in:
    • Umultowo (School Complex whose construction began in 2017)
    • Strzeszyn (continued construction of a School and Kindergarten Complex)
  • modernization works were carried out on the buildings and equipment of schools in various parts of the city in order to improve teaching conditions and make local schools also serve as neighbourhood sports and recreation centres
  • projects were implemented to improve the quality of education in Poznań’s schools, such as “Uczeń z pasją”, which received EU funding.

Creating the conditions for spending free time in housing estates is to be achieved by the investments carried out, such as modernisation of swimming pools, football pitches, modernisation of cultural facilities and purchase of equipment for these facilities. In 2017 the following were carried out:

  • modernisation works:
    • multifunctional facility in the Kasprowicza Park
    • athletics hall at ul. Warmińska
    • martial arts arenas at ul. Reymonta
  • documentation of the swimming pool modernisation in the Piastowskie and Zwycięstwa housing estates
  • investments and equipment purchases for existing cultural establishments
  • actions aimed at increasing the accessibility of culture through the creation of local cultural centres.

In order to ensure and improve safety in 2017 the City:

  • expanded its CCTV coverage
  • subsidized the improvement of living conditions of services responsible for security (State Fire Service and Volunteer Fire Service) through the construction of new facilities, purchasing equipment, and financing the modernisation of the Poznań Stare Miasto Police Station.

The Śródmieście area plays an exceptional role in the arrangement of Poznań’s housing estates. It is an area where different functions intersect, and at the same time different phenomena characteristic for degraded areas are noticeable. The revitalisation process of this area of the city, whose hallmark is the “Centrum” programme, assumes, among other things, activation of ul. Święty Marcin and the surrounding streets by improving mobility opportunities, including facilitation of public transport, pedestrian and bicycle transport and multidimensional social and economic activation of this important area of the city.

The “Gminny Program Rewitalizacji” (“Communal Revitalisation Programme”) adopted in 2017, after numerous consultations, also assumes large-scale activation measures in other regions of the city, primarily including post-industrial areas (such as the Jeżyce-Północ area, where work on the concept of residential development has already begun, or the former tram depot at ul. Madalińskiego, which is to become a museum of technology and communications).

In 2017, a redevelopment concept was chosen for:

  • the Old Town Market
  • pl. Kolegiacki
  • Rynek Łazarski.

In 2017, as part of the city’s housing policy:

  • the document “Polityka Mieszkaniowa Miasta Poznania na lata 2017-2027” (“Housing Policy of the City of Poznań for the years 2017-2027”) was adopted, aimed at preparing new areas for housing construction and shaping instruments for supporting the housing market for people with lower incomes.
  • commercial housing construction was developing dynamically
  • as part of municipal construction, large investments in the development of the municipal housing base were made, in particular, by the Zarząd Komunalnych Zasobów Lokalowych; construction of new blocks of flats at ul. Dymka and in Zawady was in progress, construction of the block at ul. Biskupińska was commenced, and at the end of the year an apartment at ul. Bolka was commissioned
  • The city developed aid instruments targeted at specific social groups, such as seniors or university graduates.
  • The total budgetary outlays of the City of Poznań on project measures in 2017, implemented under the “Friendly Housing Estates” priority, amounted to PLN 79.2 million.

Community and social dialogue

The objective of this priority is to build an informed and strong society, including social dialogue and public participation.

In 2017, in the framework of building social dialogue, the following were implemented:

  • public consultations, which cover multi-annual programming, as well as spatial planning, and the implementation of large and smaller investments (road and transport)
  • the pilot programme “Center for Local Initiatives”, which supports the NGO sector in supporting activities for the benefit of Poznań’s residents
  • the “Poznań’s Participatory Budget” project, under which 34 projects were implemented in 2017 for the amount of nearly PLN 18 million.

Continuous implementation of projects improving the quality of customer service in the Poznań City Hall and municipal organisational units. This includes improving access to services (including electronic services) and information, as well as adapting urban facilities to the needs of people with reduced mobility.

In 2017, as part of the system of supporting families in Poznań, the following projects were implemented:

  • programmes: Poznań PRO Rodzina and Large Family Card
  • the Centrum Inicjatyw Rodzinnych (“Centre for Family Initiatives”) project
  • as part of Integrated Territorial Investments, a project to improve access to social services supporting families and family foster care in Poznań and the metropolis.

In 2017, as part of the city’s senior policy:

  • the document “Polityka Senioralna Miasta Poznania na lata 2017-2021” (“Senior Policy of the City of Poznań for the years 2017-2021”) was adopted, setting out the main principles for considering the needs of this group in the implementation of various investments in the city
  • preparations for the construction of the Centre for Senior Medicine and the Palliative Care Centre and their equipment started, and efforts were made to obtain external financing.

In 2017, modernisation works were carried out in social assistance facilities in order to improve the conditions of stay, among others, in:
• the Residential Care Home at ul. Bukowska
• The Residential Care Home at ul. Ugory

In 2017, as part of measures related to health care, the City carried out activities consisting in:
• modernising health care institutions, e.g:
o Wielospecjalistyczny Szpital Miejski im. J. Strusia
o Szpital Miejski im. F. Raszei
o Poznański Ośrodek Specjalistycznych Usług Medycznych
o Zakład Opiekuńczo-Leczniczy i Rehabilitacji Medycznej
• retrofitting municipal hospitals with modern equipment.

At the same time, numerous measures and preventive actions concerning healthy lifestyles and preventive check-ups were carried out.

Financial outlays for the implementation of project tasks under the priority “Community and Social Dialogue” amounted to PLN 66.1 million in 2017.

Total financial outlays from the City of Poznań budget for the implementation of 5 priorities

The total value of all project tasks carried out by the City of Poznań in 2017 having a direct impact on the implementation of the City Development Strategy 2020+ amounted to almost PLN 450 million. However, these are only funds spent directly from the City budget. A significant part of investments is also made by other entities and institutions.These include commercial companies and partnerships in which the City of Poznań holds shares or stock and which perform their own tasks on its behalf, as well as external entities, including other local government units and their organisations, state institutions, instruments and enterprises, as well as companies and individuals acting for the benefit of Poznań’s development.
