In 2017, the following institutions carried out measures to support entrepreneurship: Ośrodek Doradczo-Szkoleniowy (Advisory and Training Centre), Poznański Ośrodek Wspierania Przedsiębiorczości (“Poznań Centre for Entrepreneurship Support”), Biuro Obsługi Inwestorów (Investor Relations Department), Wielkopolskie Centrum Wspierania Inwestycji Sp. z o.o. (Wielkopolska Investment Support Center Ltd.).

Their activities in support of entrepreneurship were aimed at:

  • improving business and managerial competences of SME entrepreneurs
  • promoting entrepreneurship and the best companies from various sectors
  • promoting the development of technology companies
  • reducing costs and risks and increasing the security of establishing a business
  • improving the level of entrepreneurship education in schools and universities.

The scope of activities supporting entrepreneurship in 2017 included, among others:

  • training and advisory services
  • start-up aid for the unemployed granted by the District Labour Office
  • credit guarantees of the Poznanian Credit Guarantee Fund Ltd.
  • functioning and provision of services by the Poznań Technology and Industry Park
  • provision of services by information websites.

In 2017, approx. 150 foreigners took advantage of individual advice and training offered by the TAC in the area of establishing and running a business in Poznań. They were from the following countries: Ukraine (approx. 70%), Pakistan, United States, Great Britain, Belarus, Spain, Iraq, Germany, India, Algeria, Turkey, Portugal, Egypt, Nigeria, Russia, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Canada, China, Peru, Kazakhstan, Czech Republic, Denmark.

Poznanian Credit Guarantee Fund

The Poznanian Credit Guarantee Fund Ltd. (Poznański Fundusz Poręczeń Kredytowych Sp. z o.o., PFPK) offered access to capital by granting guarantees for bank loans. The Fund’s offer was addressed to enterprises operating in Poznań. In 2017, PFPK granted 371 sureties for the total amount of PLN 69 million. The sureties served as security for loans in the total amount of PLN 218.5 million. In addition to sureties, PFPK offers marketing and advisory services, as well as education and training in the field of its operations.

WISC Poznań Technology and Industry Park Incubator

Wielkopolskie Centrum Wspierania Inwestycji Sp. z o.o. (Wielkopolska Investment Support Center Ltd. , WISC) carries out projects contributing to the development of entrepreneurs. In 2017, the project “Rozwój Poznańskiego Parku Technologiczno-Przemysłowego poprzez specjalistyczne usługi doradcze wspierające Instytucje Obsługi Biznesu oraz funkcjonalne włączenie Budynku 400 w struktury PPTP” (“Development of the Poznań Technology and Industry Park through specialist consulting services supporting Business Service Institutions and functional incorporation of Building 400 into PTIP structures”) was continued. WISC Poznań Technology and Industry Park Incubator is one of the key projects of the WISC. The PTIP performs the function of a Business Service Institution by providing incubation services for innovative companies (mostly from the IT sector). Through incubation it supports young prospective enterprises by offering: preferential rental rates, comprehensive office equipment, access to symmetrical Internet connections, legal advice, business consulting, services supporting the training area, organisation of meetings and conferences. Currently, the incubator is leased in 100% by 34 companies.

+jeden Coworking Space

As part of the “+jeden” Coworking Space project, a coworking space was made available in the building at ul. Za Bramką 1, available free of charge to the city residents, entrepreneurs, freelancers and people working in a remote work system.

In 2017, within the framework of “+jeden”, a total of 46 training courses in various fields (IT, design, business development, sales and marketing) were conducted, with approx. 2.4 thousand attendees.

Poznański Ośrodek Wspierania Przedsiębiorczości

Poznański Ośrodek Wspierania Przedsiębiorczości (Poznań Centre for Entrepreneurship Support) offered a wide range of information, basic and specialist advice on the issues related to setting up and running a company. The consultancy was conducted in cooperation with various institutions, such as: the Social Insurance Institution (ZUS), Poznań tax offices, the National Labour Inspectorate, the District Starosty, the National Chamber of Tax Advisors – Wielkopolska Branch, and individual advisers (accountants, marketing, sales and customer acquisition specialists).
