In 2017 Poznań was once again awarded the title of City Outsourcing Star.

Rankings and studies

Poznań is an attractive destination for investors, regularly included in prestigious rankings and research, such as:

  • FDI European Cities&Regions of the Future
  • FDI Polish Cities of the Future published by Financial Times Business
  • European Regional Growth Index (E-REGI) by JonesLaSalle
  • investment attractiveness of the Institute for Market Economics.

In 2017 Poznań received the “Outsourcing Stars 2016” award, which is granted by the Pro Progressio Foundation to cities offering the best conditions for the modern services sector. The jury’s criteria included the number of new investments in the modern services sector, the number of outsourcing events organised in the city and the increase in the number of graduates from economic and IT faculties. In 2017 Poznań won the Outsourcing Stars award for the third time.

Poznań and Wielkopolska were included in the prestigious group of 20 regions awarded in the “Best-performing Large Cities in Europe” ranking, prepared by the American think-tank Milken Institute. The aim of the ranking was to identify the most effective and dynamic large cities and regions in Europe. The Milken Institute assessed them according to various criteria, including job creation, salary growth, and concentration of the modern services sector.

The city was included in the report “Poland. Your Place to Invest”, which held the investment potential of Poznań and its good atmosphere for business development in high regard.

Poznań was ranked 1st in the ranking of provincial cities, run by the Polish Association of Developers. The ranking examines how cities are prepared for construction projects and whether local authorities issue building permits within the statutory deadline.

Once again Poznań took the 2nd place, behind Warsaw, in the ranking of large urban centres attractive for business ran by the Forbes monthly. The ranking compares the growth rate of the number of companies per 1000 residents.


Poznań took the top places in the fdI Polish Cities of the Future 2017/18 ranking, assessing Polish cities in terms of attractiveness for foreign investment. The ranking was prepared by fDI Magazine, belonging to The Financial Times. Poznań in the following categories has taken the following places:

4th place – Top 10 Cities
4th place – Top 5 Big Cities
4th place – Economic Potential: Top 10 Cities
4th place – Economic Potential: Top 10 Big Cities
3rd place – A business-friendly city: Top 10 Cities
3rd place – a business-friendly city: Top 5 Big Cities
4th place – Human capital and quality of life: Top 10 Cities
4th place – Human capital and quality of life: Top 5 Big Cities

Foreign investment

At the end of 2017, the volume of foreign direct investment in Poznań amounted to EUR 6.6 billion, i.e. EUR 12.2 thousand per capita.

Two thirds of foreign capital came from:

  • France
  • Japan
  • Germany
  • USA
  • Great Britain.

The largest foreign investors included:

  • Asahi
  • Beiersdorf
  • Bridgestone
  • Exide Technologies
  • GlaxoSmithKline
  • Kronospan
  • Mars
  • Neinver
  • Unilever
  • Veolia
  • Volkswagen.

The largest foreign capital was invested in:

  • industrial production, mainly in the automotive, food, and pharmaceutical industries
  • real estate trade and market, including office, retail, hotel, and residential real estate market.

In this respect, the following companies carried out high investment activity in 2017:

  • Budimex
  • Garvest Real Estate
  • Hilton
  • Monday Development
  • Pradera
  • REF Eastern Opportunities
  • Ronson Development
  • Skanska.

A separate group of foreign investors consisted of companies, investment funds, and private individuals who took up shares in already operating companies.

Some investors located their projects in the immediate vicinity of the Poznań’s boundaries, in the area of the Poznań Metropolitan Area, using the rich resources of the city, including the Poznań labour market and scientific staff.

Modern business services centres

At the end of 2017, Poznań had over 80 modern business services centres, mostly in the field of IT and R&D, providing services in various languages, employing a total of 16.5 thousand people. This gives Poznań the 7th spot as regards business service centres in Poland.

Investors from 17 countries, mainly from the US, Poland and Germany, have invested in the modern business services sector, while some of them are also investing in manufacturing projects in Poznań, including:

  • Bridgestone
  • Duni
  • Franklin Templeton Investments
  • GlaxoSmithKline
  • IKEA
  • Jeronimo Martins
  • Man
  • Mars
  • McKinsey&Company
  • Owens Illinois
  • Roche
  • Volkswagen.

Thanks to the City’s actions, 11 new investment projects were created in priority areas for Poznań in 2017, which will result in the creation of over 1.6 thousand jobs for highly qualified specialists, in particular for people speaking foreign languages, specialists in IT and those from the financial and accounting industry. Employment in the modern services sector in 2017 increased by ca. 18% and amounted to ca. 16.5 thousand people at the end of 2017. According to the Association of Business Service Leaders, which monitors the development of the modern business services sector in Poland, Poznań recorded the highest dynamics of employment growth in this sector on a national scale.

Companies with foreign capital participation

In 2017, the number of companies with foreign capital participation increased by 0.2 thousand and amounted to 4 thousand, of which 3.8 thousand were limited liability companies. According to the Central Statistical Office (data for 2016), the capital of companies with foreign capital participation amounted to EUR 1.8 billion.

Office real estate market

In 2017 the size of the Poznań office market increased by 26.3 thousand m2 and amounted to 456 thousand m2 of modern space, including the completion of Roosevelta 22 complex with the Bałtyk office and service building. Another 100,000 m2 was under construction, including the Nowy Rynek complex and the extension of the Pixel office cluster and the Poznań Business Garden complex.

Retail real estate market

The modern retail space saturation amounted to 862 m2 per 1000 inhabitants, i.e. over 465 thousand m2. The biggest transaction on this market was the purchase of a part of Park Handlowy Franowo (Franowo Commercial Park) by the British investment fund Pradera combined with rebranding and renaming to Homepark Franowo.

The logistics and warehouse real estate market

The market of modern logistics and warehouse space in the Poznań area increased to 1.82 million m2, by over 216 thousand m2, including the P3 Poznań, Panattoni Park Poznań V and VIII facilities with a total area of almost 144 thousand m2. Another 111,000 m2 was under construction.

Enterprise investments

It is estimated that investment outlays of enterprises with their registered offices in Poznań amounted to PLN 2.5 billion in 2017. Domestic commercial investors most often invested in office, retail and service space, external business services, and residential buildings. In addition to private companies, large funds were involved in Poznań by companies, organizations and public institutions – universities, hospitals, cultural institutions, local and regional authorities.

In 2017, a class A Bałtyk office building was opened – a multifunctional building with modern office space, innovative interior space solutions, and viewing terraces. Its 15 thousand m2 includes 12.5 thousand m2 of office space and 2.5 thousand m2 of service space. The office building is adjacent to the Concordia Design building, with which it is spatially connected through the open-air Przystań square, which is to integrate various communities, among others through open-air cultural events organized by Concordia Design. The investor of the building was a Dutch company Garvest Real Estate.

In 2017, the expansion of the factory of the British-Dutch Unilever, producing wet and dry-mix soups, spices, mayonnaise and ketchups in Poznań, was completed. At Bałtycka Street, a new production hall with an area of 3,000 m2 and an underground storage tank for rainwater with

a capacity of 305 m3 were built, while the technical infrastructure was modernised and expanded.
In 2017, the Volkswagen car factory in Poznań produced the largest number of vans in history: 197.8 thousand, 6.8% more than the year before. The largest number of cars was the Caddy model, with 164.7 thousand cars produced in Poznań, 3.8% more than in the previous year, and it was the highest number since the establishment of Volkswagen Poznań in 1993. Poznań has also produced 33.1 thousand cars of the T6 model. Volkswagen foundry produced 4.6 million components, 2.2% more than in the previous year, using 29.5 thousand tonnes of aluminium. The foundry has expanded the scope of its production by adding a component used for manufacturing electric vehicles. The Volkswagen Poznan Special Vehicle Body Plant built 60 thousand vehicles, the largest number in its history, among others for the Polish and German police. The new factory in Września, which is part of the Poznań plant, produced 40,000 vehicles of the VW Crafter model in its first year of operation. At the end of 2017, the four Volkswagen Poznań plants employed nearly 11 thousand people, which means that the company is the largest employer in Wielkopolska and Poznań, and one of the largest in Poland.


Major foreign investors in Poznan as at March 2018
Investor Country Business activity
A.P. Møller–Mærsk Gruppen i F. Salling Denmark Commerce
Accor France Hotels
Acteeum Group International Real estate
Adeo Groupe France Trade
AFP Group Austria Commerce
APS Germany BSS
AKMMK Development Israel Real estate
Albrecht Discount Germany Commerce
Alimentation Couche–Tard Canada Commerce
Aluplast Germany Construction materials industry
AmRest Netherlands Gastronomy
Alphanumeric Systems USA ITO
Apollo Real Estate Advisors USA Real estate
Apsys France Real estate
Aris international Services for transport
Asahi Group Holdings Japan Food industry
Auchan Group France Commerce
BA Glass Netherlands Glass industry
BAE Systems Great Britain ITO
Bartels Switzerland Design services
Bauer Media Group Germany ITO
Beiersdorf Germany Cosmetics industry
Bertelsmann Germany BSS
Best Eastern Plaza Hotels International Luxembourg Hotels
Blackstone USA Real estate
Bluehouse Capital Advisor Cyprus Real estate
Bodo Meller Chemie Germany Commerce
BP International Great Britain Commerce
BPI Real Estate Belgium Real estate
Bridgestone Corporation Japan Automotive industry, BSS
BSC Packaging Group international Packaging industry
BTC Group Germany ITO
Bupa International Medical services
Capgemini France ITO
Carl Zeiss Germany BSS
Carlsberg Denmark BSS
Carrefour France Commerce
CEDC International BSS
CenturyLink USA ITO
CFE International Real estate
Chamartin Proyectos International Spain Real estate
Cinven Great Britain Investment fund
Cleeng Netherlands ITO
Computacenter Great Britain ITO
ContentForces Netherlands ITO
Coop Group Switzerland Commerce
CVC Capital Partners Luxembourg Investment fund
Decathlon France Commerce
DEKA Immobilien International Real estate
Delloite International BSS
Detica BAE Systems Great Britain ITO
Deutsche Bank Germany Real estate
Deville France Automotive industry
Deyle Germany Real estate
DFDS Denmark BSS
Donau Chemie Austria Commerce
Duni Sweden Small industry, BSS
E.Leclerc France Commerce
ECE Prime European Shopping Centre Germany Real estate
Egnyte USA R&D
Eiffage France Real estate
Eltel Networks International Construction
EM & F Group International Commerce
EnerSys USA Electromechanical industry
Enterprise Investors USA Financial services
Ernst & Young USA Consulting services
Etteplan Finland R&D
Exide Technologies USA Automotive industry BSS
Fabres Norway ITO
Ferrovial Spain Construction
Finnchat Finland BSS
FIXIT Trockenmoertel Holding International Construction materials industry
Fonciere Eris France Real estate
Franklin Templeton Investments USA BSS
Fresenius Nephrocare Germany Medical services
Garvest Real Estate Netherlands Real estate
Genpact India BSS
GE Power Controls Belgium Commerce
Gerdes Kunststoff–Technik Germany Plastic industry
Gerium Promoçăo e Construçăo Imobiliária Portugal Real estate
GFT Group Germany ITO
GlaxoSmithKline Great Britain Pharmaceutical industry, BSS
Global City Holdings International Entertainment
Globe Trade Centre International Real estate
GoodMills Austria Food industry
Gosha Holding Luxembourg Gastronomy
Grant Thornton International BSS
Griffin Holdings Group International Real estate
Groupe Monnoyeur International France Commerce
Grupo Far-Luca Spain Gastronomy
HCP Denmark Real estate
Heye Germany Machine industry
Heitman USA Real estate
Hilton USA Hotels
HK Food Germany Food industry
HMG International Development Israel Commerce
Hobas Rohre Germany Construction
Hochtief Germany Trade
Hoffmann Group Germany ITO
HolidayCheck Switzerland Food industry
Homann Feinkost Germany Real estate
Howard Holdings Ireland Commerce
Huawei PRC ITO
Hutchison Whampoa Limited PRC Commerce
IFS Industrial and Financial Systems Sweden Computer technologies
Intercondis Netherlands Consulting services
Intermarche France Commerce
Interogo Foundation Liechtenstein Commerce, real estate, BSS
Intitek France BSS
Jeronimo Martins Holding Portugal Commerce, BSS
John Deere USA BSS
Jula Sweden Commerce
Kennametal USA BSS
King Cross Group Italy Commerce
Kingfisher Great Britain Commerce
Kipi Netherlands Commerce
Kleffmann Germany BSS
Klepierre International Real estate
Klockner & Co–Gruppe Germany Commerce
KPMG International BSS
Kronospan Holdings Germany Wood industry
Lantmännen Axa Sweden Food industry
Leroy–Somer France Electromechanical industry
Lidl & Schwarz Germany Commerce
Linde Group Germany Technical gases
Lohmann Germany Commerce
Longbridge Israel Real estate
Lukoil Russia Commerce
Malteries Soufflet France Food industry
MAN Germany BSS
Mars USA Food industry BSS
Mc Donald’s USA Gastronomy
McKinsey & Company USA BSS
Meermann Bau Germany Construction
Mentor Graphics USA R&D
Merrild Cafe USA Food industry
Messer Griesheim Germany Chemical industry
Metro Germany Commerce
Microsoft USA R&D
Mid Europa Great Britain Investment fund
Mobica Great Britain ITO
Mono Group Israel Real estate
Montana Tech Components Switzerland Packaging industry
Monti Ireland Real estate
NCC Sweden Construction
Neinver Spain Real estate
Newell Rubbermaid USA BSS
NH Hoteles Spain Hotels
Nordcloud Finland ITO
Novaform Netherlands Real estate
Novator Partners Great Britain BSS
OpenText Canada ITO
OpusCapita Finland BSS
Orange France BSS
Origin Ireland Agricultural industry
Orpea France Medical services
Osram Germany BSS
Owens Illinois USA Glass industry, BSS
P & T Technology Germany Utilities
Passauer Neue Presse Germany Media
PaymentWall USA ITO
Peakside Capital Group International Real estate
Penta Investments Czech Republic Investment fund
Pepcor South Africa Commerce, BSS
Permira Great Britain Investment fund
Pernod Ricard France Food industry
Pfeifer & Langen Germany Food industry
PineBridge Investments USA Real estate, HR services
Pneuhage Management Germany Commerce
Polaris Laboratories USA R&D
Politra Netherlands Trade
Polonia Property Fund International Real estate
Polychem Isolierhandel Germany Chemical industry
Pradera Great Britain Investment fund
Praxair USA Chemical industry
Propex Global Company USA BSS
Provident Financial Great Britain Financial intermediation
Puro Hotels Norway Hotels
PwC International BSS
Raben Netherlands BSS
Randstad Holding Netherlands BSS
Red Real Estate Development USA Real estate
Remondis Germany Utilities
Resolution Property Great Britain Investment fund
Restaura Spain Real estate
Rida Development Corporation USA Real estate
Rob. Leunis & Chapman Germany Packaging industry
Rockwool Denmark BSS
Roche Switzerland BSS
Ronson Development International Real estate
Royal Dutch Shell Great Britain Commerce
Rödl&Partner Germany Consulting services
RPC Group Great Britain Packaging industry
Ryanair Ireland Transport
Saint–Gobain Group France Small industry
Sakr Lebanon Electromechanical industry
Sap Property Austria Real estate
Schiever France Commerce
Schraeder Germany Logistics
Schulman USA BSS
Schulte Germany Metal industry
SFS Intec Holding Switzerland Construction industry
Sii France ITO
Sika Finaz Switzerland Small industry
Silk Road Group International Consulting services
Sivantos Group International Production of electronic products
Skanska Group Sweden Construction, real estate
SKF Sweden Metal industry
Smithfield Foods USA Agriculture
Société du Louvre–Groupe du Louvre France Hotels
Softserve Ukraine ITO
Sonalake International ITO
Starbucks USA Gastronomy
Starter Germany BSS
Stenwood Hotels and Resorts International Hotels
Stichting Ingka Foundation Netherlands Commerce, BSS, real estate
Strabag Austria Construction
Sulzer Switzerland Machine industry
Szwajcarski Fundusz Rządowy Switzerland Commerce
Tac Finedile Di Pace Italy Printing services
TBWA USA Marketing
Telcordia Technologies USA R&D
TelePizza Spain Gastronomy
Terravita Holding Establishment Liechtenstein Food industry
Tesco Great Britain Commerce
Thyssen Krupp Germany Commerce
Tollerton Investments Greece BSS
Torpol Norway Construction
TPA Austria Consulting services
Uesa Germany Power industry
Unilever International Food industry B R
Union Asset Management Holding Germany Investment fund
Union Investment Real Estate Germany Investment fund
Value 4 Capital Eastern Europe LP International Investment fund
Veolia France Power engineering
Verax Systems USA ITO
Volkswagen Germany Automotive industry, BSS
Von der Heyden Group International Real estate
Vue Entertainment Great Britain Entertainment
Warburg Pincus USA Investment fund
Wavin Netherlands BSS
Wikia USA R&D
Wirtgen Group Germany Commerce
WizzAir Hungary Transport
WPP Great Britain ITO
Würth-Gruppe Germany Commerce
Source: Poznań City Hall