The level of GDP in Poznań calculated per capita was 92.2 thousand. PLN and is twice as high as the national average.

Poznań is characterized by a very high potential of economic growth on the national scale, it is one of the top Polish economically well-developed cities. According to the Central Statistical Office, the value of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) generated in Poznań in 2015 (the latest available data) was PLN 50.2 billion, and per capita 92.2 thousand. PLN, which is nearly twice as high as the average for Poland and Wielkopolska, and it is the highest in the country below Warsaw. The Gross Value Added (WDB) in Poznań amounted to PLN 44.6 billion and since 2000 it has increased more than twice. The economy of Poznań is structurally diverse and well developed in terms of branches. It is dominated by the services sector, which creates over 72% of GVA and is a workplace for 80% of employees in Poznań. One third of GVA is created by entities that carry out activities related to trade and repair, accommodation and catering, information and communication as well as transport, warehousing and communication.

GDP per capita and gross value added per 1 employee in Poznań in PLN
2010 2014 2015 2015/2010 w %
GDP per capita in PLN 74034 88983 92232 124,6
GDP per capita, Poland =100 197,3 199,1 197,1 x
Gross value added per 1 employee in PLN 116210 135003 137475 118,3
Gross value added per 1 employee, Poland=100 126 123 121 x
Source: Polish Central Statistical Office


GDP per capita and gross value added per 1 employee in large Polish cities (2015)
Poznań Kraków Łódź Warszawa Wrocław
GDP per capita  in PLN 92232 76283 58399 134302 76975
GDP per capita, Poland =100 197,1 163 124,8 287 164,6
Gross value added per 1 employee in PLN 137475 123877 119713 182047 128119
Gross value added per 1 employee, Poland=100 121,0 109,1 105,4 160,3 112,8
Source: Polish Central Statistical Office


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