As part of the new subsidised construction in Poznań, 264 flats were under construction in 2017.

New projects

The most advanced project was the construction of 2 residential buildings in Bolka Street (90 flats and 2 commercial premises) – the project was completed in October 2017, and 2 residential buildings in Dymka Street (94 flats and 2 commercial premises). Another 2 residential buildings, in Zawady Street, were completed in over 30% (46 flats and 2 commercial premises).
In the second half of 2017, the construction of 8 multi-family buildings (with 120 premises) in Biskupińska Street was launched.

Over 700 flats (in Opolska, Nadolnik, Hulewiczów and Darzyborska Streets) were being prepared to be built.

Loan in the EIB

In 2017, the European Investment Bank (EIB) granted to Zarząd Komunalnych Zasobów Lokalowych Sp. z o.o a loan of PLN 178 million, intended for the construction of over 1 thousand municipal and social flats, as well as thorough refurbishment of old tenement houses and modernisation of health clinic buildings. The projects under construction will also include renovation of 8 Poznań tenements to improve the energy efficiency of the buildings. Besides thermomodernisation works, general construction and restoration works will be carried out to protect heritage objects, constituting the heritage of European material culture, against degradation.

This is one of the first contracts in Poland concluded by the EIB under the European Fund for Strategic Investments (EFSI). This long-term loan with a favourable interest rate will enable the financing of the investment programme, carried out to satisfy the housing needs of those residents of Poznań that cannot afford to buy their own flat or rent one in the open market.

New residential construction in large Polish cities in 2017 – comparative data for 2016.
Poznań Kraków Łódź Warszawa Wrocław
Number of flats put into use 4 069 11 063 2 520 203 468 8 875
Average area of flats put into use (in m2) 61,7 56,0 75,9 63,0 59,2
Number of flats whose construction has started 7 432 10 582 3 552 22 770 10 276
Number of flats for which building permits have been issued 6 909 12 889 4 628 24 069 13 828
Source: Polish Central Statistical Office