In 2017, the City of Poznań continued the programme “Lines for action and tasks of the City of Poznań for social inclusion for 2012-2020.”

“Lines for action and tasks of the City of Poznań for social inclusion for 2012-2020”

The programme “Lines for action and tasks of the City of Poznań for social inclusion for 2012-2020” includes objectives and tasks of the City of Poznań regarding the improvement of living conditions and functioning in society and the prevention of discrimination against people with disabilities.
In 2017, the Accessibility Standards for the City of Poznań were developed with the aim of eliminating architectural barriers, which will be taken into account and implemented during future investments and modernisation of existing facilities and public places.

Activities of the City of Poznań for the residents with disabilities included, among others:

  • the project “Supported housing for people with intellectual disabilities from the area of the City of Poznań,”
  • issuing opinion on 79 projects of road and communication investments taking into account the needs of people with disabilities,
  • expansion of the sound signalling network at pedestrian crossings in Poznań,
  • training for newly admitted employees of the Poznań City Hall in the area of service of customers with disabilities,
  • maintaining and updating information on the website Niepełnosprawni,
  • grants provided to non-governmental organisations for support centres and projects for professional development and integration of people with disabilities (the number of beneficiaries of these activities amounted to over 2.4 thousand),
  • grants for measures aimed at improving the physical and mental condition of people with disabilities, which over 600 people benefited from,
  • counselling for people with disabilities, which was used by over 13 thousand people,
  • grants under the so-called small grants, provided to 10 organisations dealing with social inclusion of people with disabilities; almost 300 people used their offer.

Measures aimed at social activation of people with disabilities included:

  • 9 Occupational Therapy Workshops attended by over 300 people with a certified disability,
  • the organisation of sports, recreational, cultural and tourist activities in which over 500 people took part,
  • co-financing of the purchase of specialist and rehabilitation equipment or means of aid provided to 480 people,
  • organisation of rehabilitation stays for 467 charges,
  • elimination of architectural and technical barriers related to communication; nearly 200 people benefited from the facilitations.

The City of Poznań publishes the Poznań Guide for the Parents of Children with Disabilities, which includes information on assistance provided by the City to parents bringing up children with disabilities, discounts and concessions for families, as well as a list of educational facilities for children with disabilities.

The community of people with disabilities is supported by the Plenipotentiary of the Mayor of the City of Poznań for Disabled People and the Municipal Social Council for Disabled People.

“Programme of Professional Activation of People with Disabilities for 2016-2020”

In 2017, the City of Poznań continued implementation of the “Programme of Professional Activation of People with Disabilities for 2016-2020.” The main objectives of the programme include:

  • increase in professional potential,
  • development and improvement of pro-employment services,
  • increased interest of employers in employing people with disabilities,
  • counteracting the phenomena of discrimination in employment and attitudes of occupational inactivity among people with disabilities.

As part of activities for the inclusion and professional activation of people with disabilities in 2017:

  • 24 employees were hired to assist people with disabilities at work; 35 people used such assistance,
  • financing of:
    • the creation of 15 new jobs for these people,
    • costs of vocational training for 10 people with disabilities,
  • co-financing of:
    • opening own business activity by 11 people with disabilities,
    • instruments and services necessary for the functioning on the labour market.

115 people used other forms of support (internships, trainings, courses, etc.).

Actions for people with mental disorders

The City of Poznań supports people with mental disorders by co-financing self-help community centres, in which people with disabilities learn independence, establishing interpersonal contacts and everyday functioning during therapeutic classes.

In 2017, 10 Self-Help Community Centres in Poznań, which had a total of 377 places, of which 365 were used, were functioning. “Promotion of mental health and prevention of mental disorders” and KLUCZ projects were also continued.
