2016 2017 2016=2016
Public safety
Crime rate
The number of crimes recorded in total, in thousands, of which: 15,5 13,4 86,5
criminal offenses 13,3 11,2 84,2
economic offences 1,3 1,4 107,7
traffic offences 0,4 0,4 100,0
other 0,5 0,4 80,0
Number of road accidents 429 896 208,9
Number of victims of traffic accidents in total, including: 533 1069 200,6
killed on the spot 8 8 100,0
Crime detection rate in % 52,5 54,4 x
Fire Service activity
Number of incidents in total, of which: 4 235 5 214 123,1
fires 1 153 1 171 101,6
local threats 2 214 3 027 136,7
false alarms 868 1016 117,1


2016 2017 2016=100
Activities of the City Guard of the City of Poznan
Requests submitted to the board judging petty offences /Court, in thousands 1,2 3,5 291,7
Number of people fined, in thousands 33,1 44,3 133,8
Total amount of fines issued in PLN million 3,1 4,1 132,3
Number of reprimands/admonitions, in thousands 12,7 12,2 96,1
Number of people having their identity checked, in thousands 51,6 61,4 119,0
Number of detained persons 17 18 105,9
Number of car wrecks removed 652 1013 155,4
Number of people sent to sobering station 1 660 1 670 100,6
Comments forwarded to companies and other organizational units, in thousands 9,8 9,9 101,0
Number of wheel locks installed on improperly parked vehicles, in thousands 12 16,6 138,3
Source: Poznań City Hall