Promotional activities carried out in 2017 by the City of Poznań focused mainly on undertakings addressed to the residents. Their content was defined by historical anniversaries, campaigns resulting from the needs of the inhabitants and the tasks of the local government.

The most interesting events co-organized by the City of Poznań in 2017 included:

  • Support for the organization of the 9th Congress of Women , which was organized for the first time outside the capital. It was attended by over 4 thousand people from all over Poland and abroad, including representatives of the European Commission, MPs, and local government activists. Among the participants there were also people from business, science, culture and art circles, as well as representatives of social organizations and movements working for women’s rights and human rights. The Congress of Women was widely promoted in the media and covered by 89 representatives from Polish and foreign media.
  • Wings For Life World Run – Poznań was the only city in Poland to organize the Wings For Life World Run, which for the fourth time took place simultaneously on over 100 routes around the world, and participants started at exactly the same time, without a specific finish line. Revenues from the event were donated to the Wings for Life Foundation, which finances research on the treatment of spinal cord injuries.
  • Celebrations of the 20th Anniversary of the Constitution – due to 2017’s even, 20th anniversary of the Constitution of the Republic of Poland being signed, it was decided to publicize the celebrations and to organize a happening at the Free Courtyard of the City of Poznań entitled “The Constitution has a voice”. The project was carried out jointly with “Gazeta Wyborcza” during which the residents of Poznań read aloud excerpts from the constitution they had chosen. Everyone who came to the Free Courtyard on that day also received a copy of the Constitution and a Polish flag.
  • #NAWOLNYM – a series of cultural events taking place for the second year at the Free Courtyard of the Poznań City Hall as part of the “Kultura na Wolnym” project. In addition to a theatre, the 2017 edition invited residents to music, film and dance events.
  • STIHL POZnan Ice Festival – the 12th edition of the international ice sculpture festival, which took place as part of the Poznań Bethlehem. It was a two-day contest between the best sculptors of the world – in 2017, Poznań was visited by representatives of Malaysia, Canada, France, Spain, Sweden, the United States, and the Philippines. The festival featured numerous performances by choirs and soloists presenting the most beautiful Polish Christmas carols and pastorals, as well as a multimedia laser show.
  • Promotion of the exhibition “Frida Kahlo i i Diego Rivera. Polski kontekst” – an outdoor campaign lasting several months aimed at publicizing the only exhibition of works by the most famous Mexican painter in Poland. The campaign was carried out on citylights, billboards and busbacks in the largest cities in Poland and in many cities in Wielkopolska. The exhibition was visited by over 100 thousand people, which is a record-breaking result, and the advertising equivalent of the information concerning the exhibition amounted to almost PLN 3 million.
  • The conference “Inspiruj. Działaj. Bądź aktywny lokalnie – program Urzędu Miasta Poznania. Regranting i CIL jako narzędzie rozwoju i aktywizacji wspólnot lokalnych” was devoted to the Local Initiative Centres Programme, which aims to stimulate social activity and create conditions for the development of local communities by means of re-granting and activation of local communities. The conference contributed to the popularization of the parallel use of 2 tools for the development of local communities, i.e.: regranting and organizing the local community by means of social work. It was an opportunity to get to know and disseminate the projects already implemented within the framework of the programme, exchange experiences and good practices of cooperation between the local government and the third sector.